Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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- Main bridge (about 5.6km long) and 2 <strong>Bridge</strong> End Viaducts (60m at Mawa and120m at Janjira);- River Training Works (about 6km long at Mawa and 10.5km long at Janjira);- <strong>Bridge</strong> Connecting Approach Roads (about 1km at Mawa and 12 km at Janjira);- 2 Toll Plazas ( 1 at Mawa and other at Janjira);- 2 Construction Yards (area at Mawa= 26.3ha and at Janjira=136.7ha);- 2 Service Areas (area at Mawa=27ha and at Janjira=85.3ha); and- 5 Resettlement Sites (3 at Mawa with area of 15.46ha,13.96ha and 0.84ha; and 2at Janjira with area of 19.95ha and 18.45ha, respectively) .4.0 Objective5. The main objective of the EIA study is to assess both positive and negativeenvironmental impacts due to each project activities. Assess the impacts and recommendappropriate mitigation measures during construction, and operation phases to minimizenegative impacts of the <strong>Project</strong> to acceptable levels. Prepare EIA and EMP in compliancewith the Government and other co-financiers’ requirements and obtain EnvironmentalClearance Certificate (ECC) from the Department of Environment, Bangladesh.5.0 Scope of Work5.1 Baseline Studies5.1.1 Memo on Legal and Administrative Procedures Collection and review of relevant information regarding environmental legislation,statutory orders, by-laws, etc. connected to preparation and approval of the EIAreport by the Department of Environment, and draft the memo. The memo will alsoconsider the requirements of co-financiers’ Guidelines. Conduction of a series of meetings with the Ministry of Environment and Forest, theDepartment of Environment, and the Bangladesh <strong>Bridge</strong> Authority. During thesemeetings appropriate legal and administrative procedures has been discussed.Discussions also include issues such as basis for further approval/disapproval ofEIA by the Department of Environment. Review of other relevant environmentallaws, regulations, Norms, and Standards on Air, Noise, Vibration, Water, Waste,and Wildlife. Conduction of discussion meeting with the Department of Environment particularlyfor “Environmental Clearance Certificate” in accordance with the EnvironmentConservation Act, 1995 and Bangladesh Environment Conservation Rules, 1997.5.1.2 Stakeholder Consultation6. Conduction of Stakeholder Group meetings to ensure relevance of the project tothe interests of the people of the project area and hence sustainability of the project; andto seek views and suggestions toward identifying IECs for environmental assessment andascertain their degree and ranking. The proposed Stakeholder Group meeting will alsohelp determine potential social, economic and cultural impacts due to the project.Targeted Stakeholder Group is to comprise members of the civil society, professionalgroups, the media, etc. To provide local communities and socio-economic interest groupswith the foundation for their role in post-feasibility project interventions and, hence,participation in project planning, implementation, operation and maintenance.5.1.3 Preparation of Baseline Assessment7. Review of reports and secondary data collected from the <strong>Project</strong>’s Pre-feasibilityStudy; Feasibility Study and the study conducted by the Bangladesh <strong>Bridge</strong> Authority aswell as the studies on similar projects carried out under co-financiers’ funding.8. Collection of general baseline information on existing environmental condition inthe project influence area and environmental quality baseline monitoring along the projectcorridor and identification of the environmental components that need detailed furtherstudy. Baseline assessment will be done based on the available secondary information,A1-19

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