Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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AspectOperationalFrameworkIndependentReviewofWorld Bank ADB JICA GOB Harmonized OperationalFrameworktimely manner prior toconsultation and in aform and language thatare understandable andaccessible to the groupsbeing consulted For the initialconsultation a summaryof the proposedproject's objectives,description, andpotential impacts isprovided by theborrower For consultation afterthe draft EA report isprepared, the borrowerprovides a summary ofthe EA's conclusions In addition, theborrower makes thedraft EA report availableat a public placeaccessible to projectaffectedgroups andlocal NGOs The borrower isresponsible for carryingout the EA For Category Aprojects, the borrowerretains independent EAexperts not affiliatedwith the project to carryout the EA.assessment-relatedissues. Establishment of agrievance mechanismto receive and facilitateresolution of theaffected people’sconcerns andgrievances regardingthe project’senvironmentalperformance Disclosure of draftenvironmentalassessments (includingEMP) before projectappraisal, in a form,manner andlanguage(s) accessibleto affected people andother stakeholders The borrower usequalified andexperienced expert(s) inthe preparation of EAand management plan. For highly complex andsensitive projects,independent advisorypanels during In order to seek adviceregarding support forand examination ofenvironmental andsocial considerationsabout projects, JICAestablishes a standingadvisory council as a For <strong>Padma</strong> <strong>Project</strong>, BBAshould use inputs fromIndependent Panel ofExperts (IPOE) andEnvironment and SocialSafeguard Advisors forindependent review.A1-13

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