Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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AspectOperationalFrameworkofWorld Bank ADB JICA GOB Harmonized OperationalFrameworkB projects proposed forIBRD or IDA financing,during the EA process,the borrower consultsproject-affected groupsand localnongovernmentalorganizations (NGOs)about the project'senvironmental aspectsand takes their viewsinto account The borrower initiatessuch consultations asearly as possible For Category A projects,the borrower consultsthese groups at leasttwice:(a) shortly afterenvironmentalscreening and beforethe terms of referencefor the EA are finalized(b) once a draft EAreport is prepared In addition, the borrowerconsults with suchgroups throughoutproject implementationas necessary to addressEA-related issues thataffect them The borrower providesrelevant material in aconsultation withaffected people andfacilitate their informedparticipation Ensuring women’sparticipation inconsultation Involving stakeholders,project-affected peopleand concerned NGOsearly in the projectpreparation and ensurethat their views andconcerns are madeknown and understoodby decision makers andtaken into account For category-A projects,ADB ensures that theborrower or privatesector sponsor carriesout public consultationat least twice: (a) onceduring the early stagesof EIA field work; and(b) once when the draftEIA report is available,and before loanappraisal by ADB. Continue consultationswith stakeholdersthroughout projectimplementation asnecessary to addressenvironmentalA projects, it consultswith local stakeholdersin collaboration with therecipient governmentsabout theunderstanding ofdevelopment needs, thelikely adverse impactson the environment andsociety of such needs,and an analysis ofalternatives at an earlystage. It holds at least a seriesof discussions at eachstage of scoping,preparing an outline ofmeasures forenvironmental andsocial considerations,and the completion of adraft of the final report. In the case of CategoryB projects as well, itconsults with localstakeholders incollaboration with therecipient governmentswhen necessary.DOE states that a Nottechnical Summaryshould be prepared forthe purpose ofcommunication to public(Page 32 of EIAGuidelines for Industries).Section 4.11 of theGuidelines encouragesPublic Participation inEIA.However as per ECA(1995) or ECR (1997),public consultation andparticipation is notmandatory. No recordsare asked.No time-frames arehowever fixed for priordisclosure of EIA to thepublic.No Grievance mechanismfacility is mentioned in theregulationsThe DOE makes theminutes of the meetingson EnvironmentalClearance available at itswebsite (http://www.doebd.org/minutes.php)consultation with affectedpeople and informedparticipation as early aspossible and throughoutthe projectimplementation. Disclosure in locallanguage withunderstandable contentduring public consultation. Ensure communityengagement free ofexternal manipulation,interference, or coercion,and intimidation, andconducted on the basis oftimely, relevant,understandable andaccessible information. Establish a grievancemechanism to receive andfacilitate resolution of theaffected communities’concerns and grievancesabout the borrower’senvironmentalperformance. For <strong>Padma</strong> <strong>Project</strong>,stakeholder (expert)consultation, focusgroup discussion andtwo stage formal publicconsultations haveadopted.A1-12

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