Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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AspectOperationalFrameworkofWorld Bank ADB JICA GOB Harmonized OperationalFrameworkand storage. Avoid the use ofhazardous materialssubject to internationalbans or phase-outs. Use, purchase andmanage pesticidesbased on integratedpest managementapproaches and reducereliance on syntheticchemical pesticidesappropriateconsiderations througha series of dialogues,and confirmsbackground andjustification for that.EMP EMP consists of the setof mitigation,monitoring, andinstitutional measures tobe taken duringimplementation andoperation to eliminateadverse environmentaland social impacts,offset them, or reducethem to acceptablelevels Preparation ofManagement Planincludes‐ identification ofresponses topotentially adverseimpacts;‐ determiningrequirements forensuring that those Preparation of anenvironmentalmanagement plan(EMP) or equivalentplanning document(s)that includes theproposed mitigationmeasures,environmentalmonitoring andreporting requirements,related institutional ororganizationalarrangements, capacitydevelopment andtraining measures,implementationschedule, costestimates andperformance indicators. Key considerations forEMP preparation Impact examinationmust include analysis ofE&S costs and benefitsin the most quantitativeterms possible as wellas qualitative analysis,and they must beconducted in closeharmony witheconomic, financial,institutional, social andtechnical analysis ofprojects. The findings of theexamination mustinclude alternatives andmitigation measures,and be recorded asseparate documents orDOErequiresEnvironmentalManagement Plan (EMP)as an outcome of EIA.Under the guidelines,DOE prescribes conductof special studies asrelevant. These studiesinclude aspects such asRisk analyses (whenthere is storage andhandling of hazardousand toxic substances),Resettlement andRehabilitation (when morethan 1000 people aredisplaced), CompensatoryAfforestation (whendeforestation involvesmore than 5 ha area),Severanceetc. EMP consists of the set ofmitigation, monitoring, andinstitutional measures tobe taken duringimplementation andoperation to eliminateadverse environmentaland social impacts, offsetthem, or reduce them toacceptable levels Preparation ofManagement Planincludes‐ identification ofresponses to potentiallyadverse impacts;‐ determiningrequirements forensuring that thoseresponses are madeeffectively and in atimely manner;A1-9

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