Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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AspectOperationalFrameworkofWorld Bank ADB JICA GOB Harmonized OperationalFrameworkon the TOR with therecipient governmentsthrough consultationsExclusions andSensitivities Avoid or mitigateadverse impacts onphysical culturalresources fromdevelopment projectsthat it finances (OP4.11). The impacts on physicalcultural resourcesresulting from projectactivities, includingmitigating measures,should not contraveneeither the borrower’snational legislation, orits obligations underrelevant internationalenvironmental treatiesand agreements. Do not implementproject activities thatinvolve or are likely toresult directly orindirectly in thesignificant conversion ordegradation of criticalhabitats If a project is locatedwithin a legallyprotected area,implement additionalprograms to promoteand enhance theconservation aims ofthe protected area In an area of naturalhabitats, there must beno significantconversion ordegradation, unless it isappropriately mitigatedand the overall benefitsfrom the projectsubstantially outweighthe environmentalcosts. .Use a precautionaryapproach to the use,development andmanagement of The projects that are insensitive sectors, havesensitivecharacteristics, and/orare in sensitive areasare categorized asCategory A. Do not implement projectactivities that involve orare likely to result directlyor indirectly in thesignificant conversion ordegradation of criticalhabitats If a project is locatedwithin a legally protectedarea, implement additionalprograms to promote andenhance the conservationaims of the protected area Proceed only if there areno technically andfinancially feasiblealternatives, overallbenefits from the projectsubstantially outweigh theenvironmental costs, andany conversion ordegradation isappropriately mitigated Use a precautionaryapproach to the use,development andmanagement of renewablenatural resources Conserve physical culturalresources (PCR) andavoid their destruction orA1-6

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