Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Preparation of Draft and Updated EIA Reports, Environmental Management and MonitoringPlan, and Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)/ Community Environmental ManagementPlan. Present Draft EIA Report in Stakeholder and Public Consultation Meetings for PublicDisclosure Review Draft and Updated EIA Reports, EMMP, and IEE/ CEMP by Government, POE, BBAAdvisors, and Co-financiers and receive comments Submit Final EIA Report and EMMP incorporating comments to DOE for Approval Implement EMMP during construction and operation and maintenance (O/M) stages Environmental auditing by assessing EIA process and feedback to future EIA Study.1.7.3 Impact Assessment and Prioritization70. This EA study addressed both negative and positive impacts, prepare mitigation measures for thenegative impacts and recommend enhancement measures for the positive impacts, to make theproject environmentally benign and socially acceptable. Environmental impacts are assessed in termsof impact values on various environmental components of the project by evaluating the followingparameters: Degree: Low, Medium and High Type: Negative and Positive Duration: Short Term, Long Term Mitigagbility: Partially, Fully71. A 6 type categorization (low, moderate and high negative impacts; and low, moderate, and highpositive impacts) of impact rating has been adopted in this EIA process. Impact of the project onclimate change, and climate change impacts on the project as predicted for the South Asian andSouth-east Asian regions in vulnerability and adaptation components of the fourth assessment reportsof the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR4 WG1, WG2, WG3) are also included inthis EIA.1.7.4 Organization of the Report72. Following this Introduction Chapter, the report is divided into eleven chapters that follow the tasksspecified under Section 4.5.1: v and xiii of the detailed design consultant’s TOR, namely: Chapter 2 - Description of the <strong>Project</strong>: This chapter contains the detailed components (direct,associated and induced) of the project, project location and setting, project design details, sizeor magnitude of operation, sourcing of resources for implementation, and proposed scheduleof project implementation. Chapter 3 - Description of the Environment: Explains the general description and backgroundof physical resources, ecological resources, environmental quality baseline, social and culturalprofile, and economic activities. Chapter 4 - Scoping and Prioritization of Impacts/Risks: This chapter analyzes the anticipatedenvironmental impacts (both positive and negative) and score them and prepare theprioritization matrix. Based on the score identify the significant impacts/risks. Chapter 5 - Climate Change Considerations: This chapter covers the impact of climate changeon the project and impact of the project to climate change. A climate change consideration isundertaken for anticipated environmental conditions over a 100-year time frame at 50 yearinterval (year 2050 and 2100). A1F1 emission scenario as proposed by the IPCC FourthAssessment Report (AR4) is considered as “worse case” scenario for impact assessment. Chapter 6 - Analysis of Alternatives: This chapter describes the alternatives considered forvarious project components. For each alternative, a summary of the probable adverse impacts(if exists) and its relation to the project, and other alternatives are discussed to determinewhether the preferred alternative minimizes the environmental impact over all otheralternatives and is within acceptable environmental impact limits. In most cases,environmental impacts "with" and "without" project alternatives are examined. Chapter 7 - Detailed Assessment of Impacts/Risks for the Preferred Alternative: This chapteris build on Scoping and prioritization providing detailed data and analysis and covers projectrelated significant Impacts/risks, and impacts due to associated facilities and induceddevelopment.73. The organization of the report is given in the following flow chart (Figure 1-5):1-27

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