Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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AspectOperationalFrameworkofWorld Bank ADB JICA GOB Harmonized OperationalFrameworkphysical culturalresources;transboundary andglobal environmentalaspects It also takes intoaccount variations inproject and countryconditions; findings ofcountry environmentalstudies; nationalenvironmental actionplans; the country'soverall policyframework, nationallegislation, andinstitutional capabilitiesrelated to theenvironment and socialaspects obligations of thecountry, pertaining toproject activities, underrelevant internationalenvironmental treatiesand agreementsgovernments, andprepares drafts ofscoping; It consults with localstakeholders incollaboration with therecipient governmentsafter disclosure of draftsof scoping, andincorporates results ofconsultation into TOR.The consultation widelycovers the needs ofprojects and theanalysis of alternatives The TOR includes anunderstanding ofneeds, the impacts tobe assessed, studymethods, an analysis ofalternatives, a scheduleand other matters. JICAendeavors toincorporate the conceptof StrategicEnvironmentalAssessment into suchstudies. JICA thenobtains an agreementlevels Ensure that the project isdesigned and carried outin compliance withenvironmental laws andregulations of the countrywhere the operation isbeing implemented,including nationalobligations establishedunder ratified MultilateralEnvironmentalAgreements (MEAs).A1-5

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