Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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AspectOperationalFrameworkScopingofWorld Bank ADB JICA GOB Harmonized OperationalFramework EA evaluates‐ project's potentialenvironmental risksand impacts in itsarea of influence;‐ examines projectalternatives;‐ identifies ways ofimproving projectselection, siting,planning, design, andimplementation bypreventing,minimizing,mitigating, orcompensating foradverseenvironmentalimpacts andenhancing positiveimpacts;‐ includes the processof mitigating andmanaging adverseenvironmentalimpacts throughoutprojectimplementation EA takes into accountnatural environment (air,water, and land); humanhealth and safety; socialaspects (involuntaryresettlement,indigenous peoples, Avoid, minimize,mitigate and/or offsetfor adverse impacts andenhancement ofpositive impactsthrough environmentalplanning andmanagement EA takes into accountpotential impacts andrisks on physical,biological, socioeconomic(includinghealth and safety), andphysical culturalresources in the contextof the project’s area ofinfluence Assessment of potentialtrans-boundary andglobal impacts,including climatechange Use strategicenvironmentalassessment whereappropriate Consideration of noproject alternative The impacts to beassessed includeimpacts on humanhealth and safety aswell as the naturalenvironment whichincludes trans-boundaryor global-scale impactsthrough air, water, soil,waste, accidents, waterusage, climate change,ecosystems andbiodiversity. Theimpacts to be assessedalso include socialimpacts In addition to the directimpacts, derivative,secondary andcumulative impacts arealso to be assessed.The life cycle impactduring a project periodis considered also It collects relevantinformation andconducts field surveys,holds consultations withthe recipient The impacts assessedin the GOB’s EIAsystem includecomponents such asAir, Noise, Land, Water,Biological and Socio-Economic aspects. Scoping is however nota requirement under thelaw and is not anidentified milestone inthe EC process. EIA Guidelines considerIEE as the milestonewhere scoping is to becarried out. Conduct a process ofEnvironmentalAssessment that willconsider in an integratedmanner the potentialenvironmental (includinglabor, health, and safety)risks and impacts of theproject. EA must take into accountnatural environment (air,water, and land); humanhealth and safety; socialaspects (involuntaryresettlement, indigenouspeoples, physical culturalresources; trans-boundaryand global environmentalaspects Under global aspects,EA should addressimpact of climatechange on the projectdesign, alternatives andoperations. Given the scale andcomplexity of theproject, especiallyregarding the associatedcomponents (e.g.widening of nationalhighway, railconnectivity etc), EAshould be applied atregional and strategicA1-4

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