Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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6. An environmental enhancement fund is proposed to be established with 1% of toll collection fromPMBP. This fund will be utilized for O/M of all environmental enhancement facilities proposed in the<strong>Project</strong> and to fund any additional environmental enhancement project proposals.7. The key Institutions responsible for the successful implementation of the EMMP of the project arecontractor, CSC, PIU and EU of BBA. Institutional strengthening and capacity building of PIU/BBAhave been proposed for strengthening their capacity in the implementation of EMMP. The proposedprograms are (a) creation of Safeguard (Environment and Resettlement Unit) Department in BBA, (b)association with twining institutions; (c) capacity building initiatives involving oriented trainings for theBBA staff and on the job training for the contractors; (d) third party engagements for independentreviews; (e) establishment of an Environmental Management System in BBA, and (f) establishment ofGIS and MIS.8. The total environmental management and monitoring budget proposed for the <strong>Project</strong> is US$18.58 million (excluding costs included in the contractors civil works), which includes (i) contractorsbudget for environmental monitoring and mitigation measures, (ii) PIU budget for implementation ofenvironmental enhancement plans and compensation measures, (iii) environmental consultants forCSC, (iv) institutional strenghthening and capacity building, (v) environmental monitoring during O/M,(vi) O/M of environmental enhancement plans and compensation measures including communityenvironmental management plan, and (vii) emergency response plan.9. The <strong>Project</strong> will have overall positive impacts and some negative impacts. Most of these negativeimpacts are mainly construction related and can be mitigated by the successful implementation of theEMMP. There will be some residual impact for significant negative impacts, which will be compensatedby environmental enhancement measures recommended in the EMMP. Therefore, the completion ofthis environmental assessment fully meets the harmonized environmental safeguard requirement ofthe co-financiers and the Government of Bangladesh.12-2

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