Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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criteria assessment was done for RTW options with extensive discussion with environment and socialsafeguard team. The resettlement team developed a livelihood restoration program for all affectedpeople (direct and indirect). The hydrological modeling outcome indicates insignificant induced impact(backwater) on the Charland due to the project intervention. A Charland Management and MonitoringFramework is prepared under SAP for monitoring of any unanticipated impacts, and mitigationplanning if impacts are confirmed by assessment during project implementation. Broadly theframework will guide the identification and mitigation of losses of the Charland people both upstreamand downstream and involve the Charland communities as beneficiaries of the project. .67. Since the resettlement site development will take place in advance of other project componentsseparate environmental assessment (EA) for World Bank and Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)for ADB and JICA are prepared for four RS apart from other project components, and is included inVol. 1: EA/IEE for RS of the Environmental Action Plan. In order to prevent and mitigate adverseimpacts an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been developed for construction phase and acommunity environmental management plan (CEMP) is prepared for operation phase. Theimplementation of the CEMP is targeted to improving the status of affected households (Ahs) andPAPs in terms of their environmental, safety, health and hygiene conditions as well as conserving andupgrading the site-specific environmental settings. The recommendations of the EMP and CEMP inEA/IEE for RS give parameter-wise recommendations to engineers and provide mitigation for each ofthe impacts, along with the responsible agency, time frame and costs for their implementation. Acommunity environmental management committee (CEMC) is recommended to monitor the activitiesof CEMP. The Consultant prepared a training program for the CEMC, especially the teachers of theschool, who will be responsible for dissemination of environmental education. This will give thecommunity to assume the ownership of the facilities of the RS and monitor them in an environmentallysustainable fashion. The implementation of the CEMP will be monitored and reported quarterly on thebasis of the suggested indicators. After taking corrective actions, where necessary, it will be ensuredthat good housekeeping practices and local laws on environmental parameters are complied with. It isexpected that the environmental conditions of the AHs and PAPs at the RS will improve afterimplementation of the EMP and CEMP along with general improvement in their social and economicstatus.1.7 Methodology and Process Followed1.7.1 Development of Scoping Document and TOR68. At the inception stage the Consultant prepared a scoping framework document addressing theoutputs of the EA study and activities required to deliver the outputs. Based on the scoping framework,the Terms of Reference (TOR) of the current EIA has been developed addressing the gaps in theprevious EA studies on the project, relevant legislative and regulatory requirements of the GOB inharmonization with the Co-financiers’ Environmental Safeguard Policies and incorporation of additionalpertinent aspects, e.g., impacts due to climate change/variability, hydrological modeling, associatedand induced impacts, ecological study, Charland study etc., and also the conditions set forth by theDOE while approving the draft TOR of the EIA. The TOR of the EIA is provided in the Annex 1-2 andDOE approval of the TOR is provided in the Annex 1- Methodology and Process69. The environmental assessment study followed a number of steps and process shown in Figure1-4. The main steps are: Review Previous Studies Harmonization of Environmental Safeguard Requirements of the Government and Cofinanciers. Scoping, Baseline Environmental Quality Monitoring Survey and Development of the Termsof-Referencefor the EIA Study Screening of Impacts and Prioritization Expert Consultations with Scientific and Professional Community Thirteen focus group discussions in <strong>Project</strong> area including in the Chars1-25

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