Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Issuesvillage market, healthcenters, tourism, wildlifemuseum etc)?Participants’ Opinion,Comments and Suggestionsopening of directcommunication with southernregion of the country andcreation of wildlife museum.Roads and culverts need tobe renovated towardfacilitating access to bridgeaccess road.Response to Questionsand ConcernsAccess road will beprovided for the localcommunity.Action Pointsproject.The design hasconsideredaccess andservice roadsthose will belinked with thebridge.Did you find thisconsultation useful?All the participants agreed thatthe consultation wasnecessary and useful. Theybelieved that seeking publicopinion in respect of theproject will facilitate the localpeople in expressingthemselves and, hence, helpimplement the project in themost effective way. Such kindof public consultation will helpidentify people's concern andways toward their redress.More consultations willbe recommended in theEIA during constructionand operation phases ofthe project.Consultationsand grievanceredress areconsidered in theEMP.Would you like to beinvolved in theimplementation of theproject (e.g.,construction worker,local contractor,maintenance, plantationetc.)?We would like to be involvedin tree-plantation programunder the project.I like to work in this project asa local contractor.EMP is recommendingemployment of the localpeople (especially PAPs)and businesses duringconstruction andoperation phases of theproject.Preference tolocal people inemployment andsupplier duringconstruction.We like to get involved in theproject as labourer.Being a political personalityworking for wellbeing of thelocal people, I like toparticipate in the activitiesrelated to the constructionphase of the project.General Comments The project will provideemployment opportunities ofthe local people at variouslevels.We all want this project tobecome a reality. However,effective measure must betaken to ensure resettlementof all the affected persons, sothat none is left out.The project is of utmostnecessity in view of alleviationSupport of local peopleis very important for theimplementation of theproject. The project canbe successfullyimplemented only withthe cooperation of localpeople. RAP will ensureproper compensationand resettlement to allaffected people.RAP consideredpropercompensationand resettlementto all affectedpeople. Inaddition, thereare numerousother plansproposed both inRAP and EAP tocompensate andenhance the10-31

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