Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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IssuesParticipants’ Opinion,Comments and Suggestionskept free of such impacts.Some participants wereconcerned that a mosque(Jame Masjid) and graveyardon the Mawa cross-road sidewill be adversely affected bythe project.Response to Questionsand Concernsall locations exceedingnoise standards.The mosque at theMawa cross road sidewill be compensated byconstructing newmosque at other suitablelocation. Graveyard willnot be affected as it willbe located under thebridge end viaductAction Pointsas well asmosque andgraveyard issuesat Mawa sidehave beenconsidered in theEMP.Does the proposedproject create anyproblems with watercourses (by blockingwater ways, drainagecongestions, navigationsetc.)?A large percentage ofparticipants were concernedthat blocking the natural flowof the water will definitelycause environmentalproblems. Careful attentionshould be given, so that thereis no harm caused by thebridge or during the bridgeconstruction process. Careshould be taken so that thereis no loss to navigability orreduction to river flow.Navigability of the channeladjacent to Naodoba Bazarshould be enhanced in thegreater interest of the farmersof the locality.No constriction of the<strong>Padma</strong> River has beenconsidered in thehydraulic design of themain bridge. Properhydrological analysis hasalso been carried out todesign the drainagestructures (six bridgesover the <strong>Padma</strong> branchchannels includingbridge over the NaodobaRiver with provision ofadequate navigationclearance and 14culverts) on the bridgeapproach road at JanjiraSide.Proper hydraulicdesign has beenconsidered forthe main bridgeand drainagestructures withprovision ofnavigation.Do you have any criticalissue or concernregarding the proposed<strong>Padma</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> <strong>Project</strong>(e.g., flooding, Charland,split of community,sedimentation, siltation,erosion, drainage,access road etc.)?Floods, hindrance, drainagesystem, split amongcommunities, etc., areanticipated.Low-lying areas of theimmediate surroundings ofthis RS will be inundatedduring high floods and causesufferings to the local people.Such a situation needs to becarefully taken into account.Specific locations withlocalized drainagecongestion known to thecommunity are obtainedduring the early stage ofthe project. Specificlocations of potential splitof communities areobtained.Measures have beenproposed towardensuring a properdrainage system bothwithin and beyond theRS areas to avoiddrainage congestions.Six small bridgesand 14 culvertshave beenproposed in theapproach roaddesign. Inaddition, 7underpasses andservice roads arealso proposed inthe Janjiraapproach road.Toe drains areproposed in thedesign of RS andSA to drain waterto the localstreams.There should be measures forflood control and containingbank erosion.The project, whenimplemented will enhanceaccretion of Charland andFloodControlEmbankment (FCE) isnot considered to allownormal flood flow andnatural drainage. Bankerosion stopped whenRTWs (protection works)RTWs withoutprovision of FCEare designedproperly toprotect bank andcontrol river.10-29

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