Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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IssuesParticipants’ Opinion,Comments and Suggestionsand workers when the bridgewill be completed.Response to Questionsand Concernsfor vulnerable groups.Action Pointsvulnerablegroups.Bus and RailwayStationsRailway stations, service areas,and approach roads should beeasily reachable by road.Will be addressed in thefinal designProvision of Hospitaland AmbulanceServices at theConstruction YardsConstruction camps should beself sufficient, inter alia, withhealth center, ambulanceservices, and religious facilitiesto avoid any induced pressureon community infrastructure.First aid and healthfacilities, ambulanceservices, and prayingplaces will be provided forthe construction workers.All basicrequirements andamenities to beconsidered forconstructionworkers at theircamps.Is this consultationuseful?Everybody was of the opinionthat such consultation onenvironment is first of its kindand very useful and theyexpect further consultationsduring the whole period of theproject. Because these aregood avenues for the affectedcommunity to express theirconcern to BBA, localadministration and the projectdesign consultantsSecondformalconsultation will beorganized in January2010 and furtherconsultations will berecommended in the EIAduring construction andoperation phases.Table 10-8: Details of Second Public ConsultationsIssuesGeneral perceptionabout the project andthe awareness about theproposed project.Participants’ Opinion,Comments and SuggestionsAll Participants were insupport of the project. It waswidely believed that theproject will enhance nationaland regional development andcreate opportunities forenhanced investment andlead to improvement inlivelihood for local peoples.Response to Questionsand ConcernsAction PointsDoes the proposedproject have any impacton the protected area(mosques, graveyard,school,madrasa, historical orarchaeological sites)?Many teachers wereconcerned that the proposedproject will have an adverseimpact on the Jashaldia HighSchool and No.3 KumarbhogGovt. Primary School whichare close to the project site.They were concerned, thatdust and noise pollution couldreduce enrolment, and a fewteachers commented that dustemitted by the projectactivities has already affecteda number of students of theprimary school. Care must betaken so that the schools areWater will be spreadduring construction tominimize dust pollution.After completion of thedredged sand filling, thefilling surface shall becovered by earlier storedtop soils without furtherdelay to avoid dustgeneration during wind.Avoid unnecessary useof horns, alarms, sirensas well as to followBRTA rules andregulations to minimizenoise pollution. Rows oftrees will be planted atReported to BBAfor immediateaction. BBA siteengineers visitedthe site andcommunicatedwith thecontractors forthe complianceof EMP. Noisebarriers to beinstalled at allsensitivelocations duringconstruction.Noise and dustcontrol measures10-28

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