Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Issuesdrainage, accessroad, damagedculvert etc.)?Participants’ Opinion,Comments and Suggestionsconsidered.Response to Questionsand Concernsharmonized safeguardrequirements. Propercompensation will bedesigned in theresettlement plan andland acquisition.Action Pointsconsult localpeople throughoutthe project for anylocalized drainagecongestion.Are you aware of anyinformation that isvital for the proposedproject (economicdevelopment, savingsin travel time, easyaccess to socialinfrastructure)?Floods of 1988 and 1998should be taken into account.The project needs to considerpassage of water throughroads and embankments.Priority to local people,businesses and contractorsshould be given during theconstruction activities andemployment in service areasand tourist facilities duringoperation phases.Quite a significant numberof small bridges andculverts have beenproposed in the approachroad design. Informationwill be obtained onspecific locations withlocalized drainagecongestion known to thecommunity.The <strong>Project</strong> will enhanceeconomic development inthe Janjira area throughindustrial and commercialdevelopment andconsequent employmentgeneration, savings intravel time and easyaccess to socialinfrastructure.Preference tolocal peopleshould be givenfor employment inprojectconstructionoperation.andEffect of constructionon watercourses, fishmigration, plants,health and safety,wildlife habitats.Vegetation destruction willadversely affect the habitats ofrare species and nestinggrounds.Impact on fish migration andspawning.Impact on workers’ health andsafety, and on wildlife habitats.Provision of footpaths along theexpanded N8.An inventory of areaspecific vegetation andrare species are beingprepared. EMP willprovide for regenerationof the vegetation prone todestruction due to theproject activities andconservation of the rarespecies.There will be noconstriction of Riverduring the construction.Piling in one of the deepchannels will be restrictedduring fish migrationseason to avoidhindrance or blockage offish migration andspawning. Lightrefraction will be used indownstream to divert fishmovement from the pilingchannel well ahead ofreaching the constructionarea to the other deepchannel.Inventorization ofendangered andrare speciesshould be carriedoutFish migrationand spawning hasto be taken careof duringconstruction.Occupationalhealth safetymeasures to beadoptedEMP will have requisiteprovision towardprotecting workers’ health10-26

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