Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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IssuesParticipants’ Opinion,Comments and Suggestionsaccess during operation stage.Response to Questionsand ConcernsAction PointsImpact due to loss ofagricultural land.Affected people should bereassured of help from thegovernment by way ofgenerating alternative sourcesof livelihood and employment.Social initiative formaintenance of plantedtrees will generatealternative employment.Borrow-pits could bepotential sites ofaquaculture.A LivelihoodRestoration Planshould beprepared underRAPAPs will be provided withIncome GenerationSchemes (IGS) for whichNGOs will be employed totrain APs for futureoccupation.Impact of the projecton water bodies,streams, wetlands,drainage system, etc.By constructing the approachroad, local flood flows will beblocked. Proper design will berequired to avoid any localizedflood.Proper hydrologicalanalysis is being done todesign the drainagestructures. Six bridges, 14culverts, and nineunderpasses areproposed in the approachroadsProper stormwater drainagesystem to bedesigned.Construction ofApproach Roads andother roadsThe proposed roads could beconstructed with 1:4 slope linedon both the sides with trees tobe planted by the government.Trees should be planted alongroadsides immediately afterroad construction..Soil for roads could beprocured/sourced from outsidethe adjacent areas to avoidborrow-pits accumulatingwater.Access should be provided tothe houses and business whichare located within the vicinity ofbridge viaduct and transitionstructures1:4 slope may not bepossible as it is 1:2 as perinternational standardsand donors’ guidelines.Tree plantation in theroad and RTW right-ofwaywill be undertaken. Inaddition, severalgreenbelts along theRiver bank, inResettlement Sites and inService Areas will also beconsidered.Soil for alignmentconstruction of the roadswill mainly be sourcedfrom dredge materials.Borrow pits can bringabout alternative meansof earnings to theresidents of the areathrough aquaculture.A GreenbeltDevelopmentPlan should bepreparedSoil from dredgematerial to beusedinconstruction afterensuring that thesame is free fromcontaminationCompensation fortrees to be felledGovernment needs to considerseriously the issue ofgenerating alternative means oflivelihood and employment forAPs.Huge number of trees to befelled should be correctlySeveralsocialaugmentation andenhancement initiativesare being developedunder social/resettlementstudies;e.g.,maintenance of plantedtrees will generateemployment.Census of trees hasseveral times been donePropercompensation for10-24

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