Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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IssuesDo you think communityenvironmental management is agood idea? Yes/NoWould you like to involve in thecommunity environmentalmanagement committee?Yes/NoIf yes, what would be your role,Volunteer/ManagerDo you require some training inthe CEM? Yes/NoDo you think educationalinstitute should play the key rolein the CEM? Yes/NoIf yes, should the teachers betrained to take the lead in theCEM? Yes/NoDo you think environmentaleducation should be part of theschool curriculum? Yes/NoIf yes, (a) 1 hour/day; (b) 1hour/week; (c) 1 hour/monthDo you support teachers engagestudents in the CEM activities aspart of the school curriculum(weekly collection and disposinggarbage, cleaning road sidedrains, cutting grasses, plantingtrees etc.)?Participants’ Opinion,comments and SuggestionsAction Point/Response toProposalParticipants appreciated it The Consultant is preparing aCEMP, the objective is toengage the community in theenvironmental managementduring construction andoperation stages.Participants agreed and want to A community environmentalvolunteer for CEM.management committee(CEMC) with participation fromthe PAPs including womenand school teachers isproposed in the CEMP.Participants agreed. Training for the CEMCmembers are planned in theCEMP.Participants agreed to it. Training for the teachers andCEMC members/managersare planned in the CEMP.Participants agreed to it(a) 1 hour/dayTraining will be provided to theteachers to teach studentsabout the environment and itspreservation.Majority said yes. School curriculum will bedeveloped for environmentaleducation.Should the environmental - Majority said yes.management committeecompensate the students fortheir work? Yes/NoIf yes, compensation by (a) a(b) One meal/monthmeal/day; (b) a meal/week; (c) ameal/monthPresently, what measures areyou taking in case of firing?What measures will yourecommend for RS in case offiring?FGD in CharlandHow many people live in theCharland?What is the age of theCharland?What are the cultural resourcesin the Charland?Is this Charland inundatedduring flood? If yes, how muchwater depth on the CharlandBy watering with the help ofvillagers. By watering and byspreading of sand fromstockpiling yard.12,00011 years9 Nos. Mosque, 1 Madrasha, 1Primary School, 1 Club (Sk.Rusel).Yes only during high floods (say1998, 2004, 2007),< 1.5mCEMC will make decisions onthe incentives.CEMP will propose mitigationmeasures and train PAPs.10-20

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