Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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IssuesWhat type and how much wastedo you generate at householdlevel? What is your presentwaste collection and disposalpractices? What type of wastemanagement practices youwould like to see at RS (athouses, market places,hospitals, mosques)?Proposed waste managementpractices at the RS are:(a) House – organic wasteshould be disposed in concretechamber, placed in excavatedearth hole with concrete slabcover at nearby the toilet in eachhousing plot to producecompost. After filling thischamber, the second one needsto be constructed at nearby the1 st one in similar way.(b) Market Place – same as athouses but at corner places(preferably at north or west side.(c) Medical – By burning, storedin underground.(d) Mosque–Usually insignificantquantities of wastes aregenerated within the mosquecompound.What type of internal roads doyou have and what type of roadfacilities would you like to haveat RS?What type of drainage facilitiesdo you have and who isresponsible for maintenance ofthese drains? What type ofdrainage facilities you would liketo have at RS?Proposed drainage facilities atRS can be shallow V shapedbrick drain with plaster (forroads) and deep U shaped brickdrain with concrete cover (forRS).What type of health facilitiescurrently do you have and whattype of health facilities youwould like to propose at RS?Are you willing to pay money forthese services?Participants’ Opinion,comments and Suggestions1. Type of wastes mainly are :Tree leafs, house garden, paddystrain, waste paper, glass,plastic and old cloths (inorganicwastes) and vegetable shell,foods, fruit shell and fish shell(organic wastes).2. Daily quantity of waste(average): approx.0.5-0.6kg(inorganic) and approx. 0.5-0.8kg (organic). No municipalwaste collection services in theproject affected area.Household wastes are dumpedin earth holes and onhomestead side slopes.Majority agreed to the proposalEarth roads.Paved roads along withdrainage facilities aresuggested. No drainage facilities otherthan natural. Majority agreed to theproposal. One health facility inNaodoba Union Parishad (UP)and one in Lauhajang UZ HQ.Medical facilities in Naodoba UPhealth complex are: a VillageDoctor with some medicines.Preliminary medical treatmentsAction Point/Response toProposalOrganic waste should becomposted at household level.There will be a designatedcentral waste disposal site ateach RS and designatedwaste disposal site for medicalwaste.Bituminous paved roadalong with drainagefacilities, lighting andplantation is proposed in thedesign.Shallow V shaped brick drainwith plaster (for roads) anddeep U shaped brick drainwith concrete cover at the RSsite are proposed.Proposed medical facilities atRS are: medical centre forgeneral medical treatmentsalong with provision ofmaternity care facilities.Minimum one MBBS doctorand 2 nurses. CEMC will10-18

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