Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Liaison with other government and non-government organizations;Prepare and submit monthly/quarterly reports;Organize quarterly audit. Senior Resettlement Specialist (Field Operations)- 2 Positions35. The candidate should have masters in Social/Natural Science or BSc/MSc in Engineering with 5years experience in resettlement implementation or BA/BSS/BSc with 10 years experience inresettlement implementation. Experience in Resettlement implementation in WB/ADB/JICA/DFIDsupported projects (i) for 5 years as <strong>Project</strong> Manager, Deputy Team Leader or Team Leader in case ofcandidates with MA/MSc/BSc or MSc engineering and (ii) 10 years experience in the similar positionsin case of graduate candidates9.2.1.5 Senior Resettlement Specialist (Management and Monitoring)36. The candidate should have a master in Social/Natural Science or BSc/MSc in Engineering with 5years experience in resettlement planning, implementation, management and monitoring. Experiencein Land Acquisition/ Resettlement Planning, Implementation, Management and Monitoring inWB/ADB/JICA/DFID supported projects for 5 years in the position of Database Manager, <strong>Project</strong>/AreaManager, Deputy Team Leader or Team Leader. Good writing skills both in English and Bangla will beconsidered asset. Budget for Establishment of SDThe budget for establishment of SD includes salaries of the proposed staff for 5 years, development oflibrary and reference facilities, external communication and filming of activities to be carried in variousstages of <strong>Project</strong> construction. The budget is given in Table 9-2.Table 9-2: Proposed Budget for Establishment of Safeguard DepartmentS.No. Description Amount, USD1. Salaries for the proposed staff for 5 years1,080,000(6 staff, @3,000 USD per month)2. Library 20,0003. Filming/Media/Publicity of <strong>Project</strong> Activities 50,0004. Surveys, Analysis and Reports 200,000Total 1,350,0009.2.2 Step B: Association with Twining Institutions37. PIU will be associated with set of esteemed international organizations (IUCN, WildlifeConservation Society) government organizations (BWDB, Atomic Energy Commission, Departments ofMeteorology, Environment and Forest), education and training institutes like CEGIS, BUET, etc. whichwill act as ‘twinning institutions’ for capacity building and development. These institutions will supportPIU with providing their laboratories for analysis, trained human resources for hydro-meteorologicalstations, and other technical facilities available with them. For this MOU’s will be signed forcooperation and support with the twinning institutions. (Refer Annex 9-4 for a sample MOU).9.2.3 Step C: Capacity Building Programs38. This involves continuous and oriented trainings on developing capacity of the PIU staff and othercapacity building initiatives onSocial &Environmental issues of the <strong>Project</strong>Social &Environmental laws & regulations, norms, procedures and guidelines of GOB andco-financiersEnvironmental &Social safeguards, their importance and benefits9-11

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