Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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and positive impacts on 8. On the other hand, implementation of proper EMP would result in 11 IECshaving negative impact while there would be positive to zero impact on 17 IECs.51. The specific findings of this EIA study are as follows:From the hydro model study done by IWM it is known that impact of the bridge on regionalhydrology and flooding pattern will be minimal as WL of the <strong>Padma</strong> will be increased onlyabout 0.10m and therefore Charland (Sandbar) impact also will be minimum. As the waterwayopening of the bridge will not be constricted (only about 1% obstruction due to piers), Rivererosion/siltation also will be limited.Adequate w/o of the 6 bridges and 14 culverts on the approach road at Janjira side willmitigate drainage congestion.The significant environmental pollution will be noise & vibration specially during construction.Appropriate specification of construction equipment based on ambient pollution level shouldbe prepared & followed it.A total of 177,676 trees (excluding 136,218 banana and 200,629 bamboo) will need to be cut.This loss can be compensated by replanting of 482,430 suitable local trees (50%wood, 30%fruits, 10% fuel & 10% medicine trees).A total of 65 ponds (A=4.5ha) and 88 derelict ponds (A=4ha) will be affected by the project. Asa result, fish production loss will be about 6.95 MT/Year which may be compensated by fishculture in new borrow pit ponds in the 5 RS areas.Any designated EPA/ESA is not located within or close to any component of the projectThere is no exclusive habitat of any endangered species near the project site. However<strong>Padma</strong> is a secondary habitat of 2 endangered species namely Shushuk (Dolphin) & GangeticGharial.<strong>Padma</strong> River is an important migratory route for hilsha fish.Due to LA and requisition of 755ha and 163.1ha, 3280 households will be affected. RAP andlanduse plan will be prepared to mitigate these important issues.Due to acquisition of 584.43ha agricultural land, agricultural production loss will be about5,943MT/Year. In addition, crop loss is about 8,913 MT for 6 years requisition of 163.1 haagricultural land.A total of 54 cultural establishments including school, madrasha, mosque, eidgah, graveyardsand Hindu Crematory Places will be affected.52. With the proposed mitigation/enhancement measures, overall impact will be limited. Theestimated EMP cost for mitigating the negative impacts and enhance the positive impacts is aboutUSD 7.6 million.53. Recommendations of the study are as under: Executing physical and mathematical modeling for hydrological investigations during detaileddesign stage Continuation of hydrological regime monitoring even after construction stage Undertaking careful dredging plan to avoid any negative impact on Charland Analyzing dredge samples prior to dredging operations Tree plantation to include local tree varieties – 30% fruit-bearing, 10% medicine, 10%fuelwood and 50% timber Proposed bridge construction to engage on one side of the River at a time for piling works tofacilitate Hilsa and other fish species along the other side Channels crossing the approach roads and guide bund to be kept open to facilitate wildlifemovements, especially, the movement of the aquatic ones Wildlife museum to be established at the proposed bridge site, preferably within service areaat Janjira Updating of EIA and EMP, if required. Monitoring & enforcement of compliance of EMP must be given high priority.1-20

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