Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Adaptive management can serve as an important learning tool for climate change action, asuncertainty about vulnerabilities and risks can be reduced by experience only if that experience isidentified and passed on (to others) to benefit other large projects in Bangladesh135. A hydro-meteorological station is recommended to collect and monitor the weather data fromthe project area. The budget for establishment and monitoring of meteorological station is given inTable 8-14. Main bridge contractor is responsible for establishment of the station and the O/Mcontractor is responsible for collection of data during O/M. The monitoring data will be shared withHydrology Department of BWDB and to Bangladesh Meteorological Department at Dhaka.Table 8-14: Budget for Establishment of Hydro-meteorological StationSl. No. Description of Item Unit QuantityRate(USD.)Amount(USD.)Component - A : Instrument with InstallationA.1 Weather Station (Rain Gauge, Evaporation Pan,Wind velocity and direction, sunshine, humidity Set 1 15,000 15,000and temperature recorder)A.2 Piezometric Well Installation No. 2 2,000 4,000A.3 Water Level Gauge (gauge making andInstallation cost)No. 2 1,000 2,000A.4 Levelling Instrument for Gauge connection No. 2 2,000 4,000A.5 Computer Set with Printer and accessories. Set 2 3,000 6,000A.6 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Set 1 30,000 30,000A.7 RTK-GPS Set 1 30,000 30,000Sub Total of Component - A 91,000Component - B : Manpower for Data Collection and Monitoring for 5 yearsB.1 Meteorologist - Station In charge MM 60 1500 90000B.2 Gauge Readers - 2 MM 120 500 60000B.3 Support Staff - 2 MM 120 150 18000Sub Total of Component - B 168,000Component - C : Maintenance Cost for 5 yearsC.1 Maintenance Cost for the Stations Years 5 5000 25000Grand Total (A+B+C) 284,0008.11 Environment Enhancement Fund136. It is proposed that BBA should create an Environmental Enhancement Fund (EEF) forpromotion of environmental development activities and to assist in protection and conservation ofenvironment in the <strong>Project</strong> area. The EEF will be generated from vehicle tolls of the <strong>Padma</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong>.This will ensures sustainability of all environmental enhancement measures recommended in theEMMP. A 1% toll collection will be deposited into this fund. Payments designated for the EEF officiallywill begin from the date when the vehicle toll will be collected. Each toll receipt will clearly indicate 1%of toll is EEF.8.11.1 Scopes of Activities Supported137. The fund supports projects linked to the PMBP infrastructure that directly enhance, restore orprotect environmental resources and O/M of environmental enhancement facilities proposed underthe <strong>Project</strong>. The fund will be used to support:Implementation of mitigation measures during O/M stage in accordance with EMMPDesign and implementation of any additional mitigation measures, if required basedon future environmental monitoring during O/M, (for example, construction of noisebarriers)O/M of CEMP of Resettlement SidesO/M of Protected SanctuaryEnvironmental Health Education Campaign8-57

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