Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Make a cost-benefit analysis for individual crops in terms of jobs created, financial expensesand benefits incurredWrite a report in English and Bangla covering all relevant aspects and lessons learnt fromdevelopment of demonstration plots and cultivation, for information dissemination among thelocal farmers and other stake-holders at national and international levels. Capacity Building127. For capacity building of the local farmers the following activities are designed: Organize training sessions to be participated by the interested farmers/unemployed youth andothers having interest in the training; Prepare training materials (in Bangla/local language) for use in the training sessions based onexperience gained from demonstration plots and recorded in the reports Conduct training sessions (theoretical) followed by practical session bringing the participantsto the demonstration plots Develop and display posters at various strategic locations of the community, schools/colleges,mosques, community clubs, markets, etc) for dissemination of key massages learned fromdemonstration plots. Provide financial and technical assistance to each of farmers interested in bringingbarren/fellow lands into agricultural cultivation (free distribution of seeds, fertilizers, technicalknowledge, etc.) Institutional Arrangements128. BBA will hire an NGO or private institute experienced in agriculture or government agricultureresearch institute like BARI (Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute) for implementation of thisplan. The CSC and Safeguard Department of BBA are responsible for supervision of theimplementation of the plan. The implementing agency will consist of (i) an Agriculture Specialist with agraduate degree in agriculture and 10 years of experience, who is responsible for overall projectmanagement, (ii) three technical persons with a diploma in agriculture and at least 3 years ofexperience, who will support the project manager in implementation of the plan, and (iii) a supportstaff with a minimum SSC qualification to coordinate all the activities in the field. BudgetThe budget for implementation of the plan is included in the Income and Livelihood RestorationProgram (ILRP) in SAP.8.9.6 Income and Livelihood Restoration Plan (ILRP) Objective129. An income and livelihood restoration plan (ILRP) is proposed under Resettlement Action Planof the <strong>Project</strong> for restoration of income of the APs to the pre-project level. The plan has provisions foralternative income generation/skill development and other enabling strategies through which AP caneither continue their previous occupation or can start a new venture or undertake an alternativeoccupation. Income and Livelihood Restoration Measures130. The short term income and livelihood restoration measures will include Assistance for loss of employment/work days (wage earners) owing to dislocation andrelocation Compensation and cash grant for owners for loss of business plus shifting or movingallowance Temporary or short term employment in construction activities in the project activities Special assistance, appropriate to vulnerable groups such as women, the aged and disabled.131. Details of various activities being anticipated which will help affected households (AH) toeither improve or at least restore their livelihood (Table 8-13). However, during implementation8-55

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