Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Increasing crop yield on the existing farmlands by introducing High Yield Variety (HYV)Cropsmodifying cropping pattern i.e. towards the cash crops, andBy converting one-crop lands into two or three crop lands and two-crop lands into three-croplands.123. An agriculture development plan is prepared to formulate the above actions and the Plan isalso expected to generate the following benefits:Increase in the overall crop production in the area that will supplement the food and nutrientshortage associated with agricultural land-loss due to land acquisition;Enhancement of the livelihood of the farmers; andIncrease in Jobs/employments in the agricultural sector8.9.5.2 Proposed Activities124. The proposed carried activities to be carried out under the plan are:Development of demonstration plots for bringing barren/fellow lands into cultivation andinserting crops favourable for cultivation in these lands;Development of demonstration plots for introducing high yield variety crops to multiply existingcrop production;Analysis of merits and demerits (if any) of bringing barren/fellow lands into cultivation;Analysis of merits and demerits (if any) of introducing HYV crops in the areaInformation dissemination and capacity building of the local farmers in crop cultivation. Development of Barren and Fallow Lands125. For bringing barren/fallow lands into agricultural purpose, several possible local crops may betried for cultivation on barren/fallow along with the repetition of the same procedure/activities for eachof all considered crops, as below:Identify the barren/fallow lands for demonstration plots in consultation with the local farmers;the total amount of lands to be selected is based on the crop type and requirement of landsfor individual crops;Assess the quality of soil and the environment in terms of their suitability for a particular crop;Identify the crops in consultations with the local and national agriculture research institutesthat maybe suitable for growing in these lands;Carry out cultivation in the lands and maintain a record with all the activities carried out (likeuse of man-power, crop seeds, fertilizers used, etc)Maintain a record of outputs (crop quality and amount) from the cultivated lands;Make a cost-benefit analysis for individual crops in terms of jobs created, financial expensesand benefits incurredWrite a report in English and Bangla covering all relevant aspects and lessons learnt fromdevelopment of demonstration plots and cultivation, for information dissemination among thelocal farmers and other stake-holders at national and international levels. Increasing Crop Yields126. For increasing crop yield, several local crops can be tried for cultivation on farm lands with therepletion of the same procedure/activities for each of all considered crops, as below:Identify the farm lands for demonstration plots in consultation with the local farmers; the totalamount of lands to be selected is based on the crop type and requirement of lands forindividual crops;Assess the quality of soil and the environment in terms of their suitability for a particular crop;Identify the HYV crops that maybe suitable for growing in these lands in consultation withlocal and national agriculture research institutesCarry out cultivation in the lands and maintain a record of all activities carried out, such asman-power, crop seeds, fertilizers used, etc)Maintain a record of outputs (crop quality and amount) from the cultivated lands;8-54

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