Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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oats and for related activities. From the Centre a ready connection to the main roads as well as tothe Protected Sanctuary (by boat) is secured. The Visitor Centre will provide additional employment(some 50 jobs) to local people.110. Tickets will be sold for the boat trips. Experiences elsewhere have shown that salesof tickets, souvenirs and consumptions will cover operation and maintenance and salariesafter 2-3 years. Since the budgets in Table 8-11 and Table 8-12 are calculated for 5 years, asurplus might be created. This will be used for further development of the Visitor Centre aswell as the Protected Sanctuary. Awareness Program111. An awareness program for the protection of wildlife shall be launched. The contractors,supervisors, construction workers, local people, fishermen, farmers, school children, and the animalgrazers will be made aware of the wildlife protection program. The picture of migratory birds, turtles,dolphins and other important species will be displayed to communicate the importance of protection ofthese species, their breeding grounds and their eggs.112. Signboards will be erected around the protected areas to warn the people. A wildlifeprotection guideline will be prepared and distributed among all the people involved in the constructionactivities. Leaflets will be produced and distributed among the local people and the constructionworkers. Compensation Measures113. Tree compensation and green belt development program is proposed to enhance theenvironmental conditions and to provide shelters for migratory passerby birds and resident birds. Anenvironmental code of practice (ECP 13) is prepared for protection of fauna during constructionworks. Further, mitigation measures proposed in EMMP will be strictly implemented. Wildlife Monitoring Program114. A wildlife monitoring program will be established with the following objectives:• To observe the frequency, abundance, distribution and dislocation of indicator species ofwildlife in the impact area of the project.• To observe the adherence of the compensation measures and identify the activities in theprotected area extremely deterrent lo wildlife and to recommend remedial measures wherenecessary for the protection of wildlife.• To study the ecology and breeding biology of the migratory birds• To observe and monitor migration pattern of aquatic life• To maintain the protected sanctuary established for wildlife protection. Institutional Arrangement115. For the development of protected sanctuary, visitor center, the BBA may hire services ofvarious national and international organizations such as IUCN, Wildlife Conservation Society, andCEGIS or experienced NGOs.116. Experts required for the development of protected sanctuary include wild life experts. Theteam will review the wildlife surveys being carried out under the <strong>Project</strong>; identify the suitable char, anddesign plantation program and other required facilities for the development of sanctuary. Upondevelopment, the sanctuary will be guarded by the full time field guards.117. Experts required for the development of visitor center include short-term consultants. Theseexperts are responsible for procurement and development of all necessary materials required fordevelopment and operation of center.8-51

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