Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Materials can be filled in the boats/trucks and are to be carried in the boats/trucks in such away that there will not be any spills in the river or on the roadMaterials should be covered with tarpaulins during high winds and rains. Trucks carryingmaterials should be always covered.8.5.6 Budget47. The budget for implementation of the DMMP is given in Table 8-6. The budget includes provisionfor land requisition (rent) for a period of 5 years, construction and operation of reclamation areas, andsupervision and auditing of monitoring of turbidity during dredging and final discharged water fromreclamation areas. Normally, primary monitoring is undertaken by the Contractor at his expense underhis construction Contract.Table 8-6: Proposed budget for dredge material management planRate,USDAmount,USDS.No Description UnitQuantityProvision for requisition of Charland1 for 5 years ha 1,000 564 564,0002 Development of reclamation areas m 15 80,000 1,200,0003 Turbidity Loggers and Meters No. 1000 10 10,0004 Monitoring and Reporting 25,0005.Miscellaneous and unforeseenExpenses 101,000Total 1,900,0008.6 Emergency Response Plan48. An Emergency Response Plan (ERP) to use in the O/M stage is prepared for seven identifiedemergency events that may potentially affect the operation of the <strong>Bridge</strong> and other project assets.These events are: flooding, traffic accidents (road and rail), spill/leak of hazardous materials in land &water, civil disturbance/riot, terrorist event/threat, and gas leak/ explosion. The objective of the plan isto facilitate a rapid and effective emergency response and recovery; provide assistance to emergencyand security services; implement an effective evacuation plan if required, and communicates vitalinformation to all relevant persons involved in the transport emergency (both internal personnel andexternal agencies) with a minimum of delay. The Plan is given in Annex 8.3. The plan outlines thenecessary resources, personnel, and logistics, which allow for a prompt, coordinated, and rationalapproach to a transport accident. The plan contains sufficient detail to enable those involved in theresponse to effectively carry out their duties.8.7 Addressing Associated and Regional Scale Impacts49. The environmental impacts that will result from the implementation of the associated activitiesand related regional scale development are also covered in the EMMP. Impacts that could result dueto induced or future development in the regions are also addressed in EMMP50. Indirect impacts that could result from the induced development are addressed throughrecommendations on policy and planning measures. However these policy measures require thesupport of various government departments. Hence it is recommended that BBA could request settingof a regional development coordination committee inviting key departments of Government ofBangladesh and provide the committee these recommendations8.8 Adaptation of EMMP during Implementation51. Though EMMP developed for the <strong>Project</strong> in this EIA report by providing key preventive, mitigatoryand enhancement measures and processes to ensure compliance with safeguards - for a project asbig as PMBP, some adaptation/changes are possible during implementation. These changes may not8-40

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