Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Figure 8-5: Reclamation Area with Silt Pond44. If the reclamation area is isolated from surrounding waters, then the outflow from the reclamationarea can either be directed to the surrounding waters by a ditch, or be pumped back from a smallcollecting basin at the weir box. Typical layout cross-sections of a dredging and reclamation area for acutter suction dredger are given in Annex J of RTW Scheme design Report.45. The proposed approach in the dry season for dredged material, for which no useful destinationcan be found, is to pump it to a reclamation/disposal area on the southern char(s). This area could besplit into two bunded areas: the sand (reclamation) area and the silt (disposal) area/pond, placed intandem in the downstream direction. The dredged material would be pumped first to the sand areawhere segregation would ensure only fines would pass into the silt pond, from which virtually cleanwater would flow. During the next monsoon these filled areas might either remain or be scoured away,similarly to any riverbank section. The figure below gives an example of a sand (reclamation) areawith silt (disposal) area/pond below.8.5.5 Institutional Arrangement46. Contractors are normally responsible for design, construction and maintenance of reclamationareas and primary environmental monitoring. Environmental specialists of CSC are responsible forsupervision or auditing of monitoring of turbidity levels of river near dredging and reclamation areas,and outflow from reclamation areas. PIU will setup a ‘Dredge Material Disposal Committee’ withrepresentatives of local government, EU of safeguard department of BBA, contractor and CSC toeffectively dispose the dredge materials from reclamation areas to the local community, private andpublic organizations. The committee will setup procedures for receiving and approving requests fromthe public. The committee is responsible for providing facilities at reclamation areas to allow the publicto carry the materials and fixing of any nominal tariff to cover these expenses. The committee is alsoresponsible for setup and monitoring of procedures for transport of material from reclamation areas tothe shore through boats and finally to the trucks without causing any environmental degradation. Theprocedures shall includeBoats and trucks cannot carry materials more than their capacity. Only suitably dry materialsare allowed to be transported.8-39

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