Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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assess the market price through an independent agency and recommend the replacement value ofassets to the <strong>Bridge</strong> Division, Ministry of Communication for approval. BBA will pay the differencebetween the approved replacement value and the DC payments under the 1982 Ordinance II. Inaddition, APs will be allowed to take away the materials salvaged from their dismantled houses andshops at no costs, despite compensation paid by the DCs. A notice to that effect will be issued by DCOffice that APs can take away the materials.8.4.4 Resettlement Budget30. The budget for the land acquisition and resettlement is estimated as $270 million. The budgetincludes: (i) detailed costs of land acquisition, relocation, resettlement and livelihood and incomerestoration/improvement; (ii) along the Charland to make access/transit channels and maneuvering ofbarges and heavy cranes, (iii) source of funding; (iii) administrative costs (iv) monitoring cost (v) costof hiring consultants (vi) arrangement for approval, and the flow of funds and contingencyarrangements. The land acquisition, compensation, relocation and rehabilitation, administrative,monitoring and consultant cost, income and livelihood restoration cost will be considered as anintegral component of project costs.8.5 Dredge Material Management Plan31. Dredging works will be carried out during dry season along river banks up to a depth of -25 mPWD (which corresponds to water depths between 26.5 to 28.5 in February to November) to removethe river bed sediments for construction of RTW. In addition, dredging will be carried out (i) on theshallow river beds along the main bridge alignment to provide adequate depths for the bargescarrying cranes and other heavy construction equipment for the main bridge substructure andsuperstructure works; (ii) for temporary RTW works for operation of construction yard near Mawa side,and (iii) for smooth ferry operations during construction. Further, additional dredging may also berequired to source borrow material for filling up of some of the project sites, which will be developedbefore RTW. It is estimated that about 44million m 3 of dredge materials will be generated over twoseasons due to the construction of RTW works alone. Direct disposal of these dredged materials inthe river flow in the dry season will increase turbidity of river water and create negative impacts on theaquatic life. Disposal of the materials on the land, for reclamation purposes or filling of project sites for100 year flood level, generates a huge outflow of wet materials that contain very high turbidity andpotentially impact of the soil fertility of nearby agricultural lands. Therefore, a dredge materialmanagement plan (DMPM) is prepared to manage all impacts associated with the dredge materialsdisposal.8.5.1 Dredging Operations and Volumes32. The dredging season normally starts at the beginning of October. The preferred equipment forthe <strong>Project</strong> is a cutter suction dredger with a total installed power of 3,000 to 8,000 kW, similar to theunits used at Jamuna <strong>Bridge</strong>. Dredging activities for RTW on south bank at Janjira will generate about34 M m 3 and on north bank at Mawa generate about 10 M m 3 . Hence the total quantity of dredgematerials from RTW is about 44 M m 3 . Assuming a similar number and type of cutter suctiondredgers as used at Jamuna <strong>Bridge</strong>, a dredging rate of 20 Mm 3 per season is possible, so that twoseasons would probably be necessary for river training works, one season for main bridge and atpreconstruction stage for the Mawa construction yard.33. The dredging activities will generate local turbidity around the cutter heads of the dredges, butthis turbidity will not significantly spread beyond the dredging trenches or channels because the bulkof the dredging takes place below the surrounding river bed. Generally the turbidity plumes oftensubsides at a rather rapid rate, within a few hours, especially where currents are strong, so thatturbidity is often temporary and of short duration. The settling rate is primarily dependent on thedensity of the suspension and the grain size distribution of the suspended material, assuming a twolayerfluid system around the dredger or fill area outflow: an upper layer of water and a lower layer ofsuspension (water plus sediment). Sand-size particles may settle within the hour, but clay-sizeparticles (

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