Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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costs, resettlement of the affected persons, and livelihood restoration and improvements in postresettlementperiod. In sum, the project has adopted and applied the following policy guidelines andprocedures to comply with co-financiers’ safeguard compliance requirements:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)(ix)Avoid or minimize impact as much as possible through alternative design options;Consult affected people and communities adequately;Make resettlement plans and other related documents available at the project sites; fulldisclosure will be ensured through distribution of a summary RP in Bangla to the affectedhouseholds and other stakeholders;Determine replacement cost of assets acquired and compensate at full replacement costsdetermined by property valuation committee;Resettlement assistance will be provided to all APs irrespective of titles to land;Establish grievances redress committees at the local level for speedy resolutions ofdisputes;Provide additional assistance to poor women and vulnerable groupsProvide income restoration assistance through alternative income sources and restorationof livelihoods for assisting affected people to restore and/or improve upon their pre-projectlevels or standards; andCarryout internal monitoring by EA and third party monitoring independent externalexperts/agency to assess resettlement operations and evaluate outcomes.26. All affected households and person, as per the above policy/principles and guidelines, are eligiblefor compensation and assistance to be provided by the project.8.4.2 Eligibility and Entitlements27. The <strong>Project</strong> Entitlement Matrix covers all types of direct, indirect, customary rights of occupancyand titles, based on inventory of losses established by BBA. Lack of legal documents for customaryrights of occupancy/titles shall not affect eligibility for compensation. The resettlement frameworkstipulates payments of compensation as per the assessed value of the land and structure to theaffected persons (APs). In addition to compensation paid by the concerned Deputy Commissioner(DC), the APs will receive additional assistance in cash or kind to match replacement costs, which isthe difference between the market value and the assessed value for lost assets (land, houses andtrees), transaction costs such as stamps/registration costs (in case of purchase of replacement land)and other cash grants and resettlement assistance such as shifting and reconstruction grant,resettlement benefit for loss of workdays/income due to dislocation. Socio-economically vulnerablehouseholds namely - female-headed households without grown up male in the household,households below poverty line, households headed by disabled and elderly people will be givenadditional cash assistance for relocation. Measures such as “host” area benefits – for example,additional class rooms in the existing educational institutions, access roads, improved water supplyand sanitation etc– to enhance the carrying capacity will be undertaken so that project benefits areenjoyed both by the host and resettled families, and host-resettlers’ are integrated socially andeconomically.28. Annex 8-2 provides the entitlement matrix for different types of losses and dislocation establishedthrough Inventory of Losses (IOL). The matrix also includes provisions for any unanticipated impactsarising during or post project implementation. The mitigation measures in the matrix are consistentwith co-financiers’ safeguard requirements. They also reflect “good practice” for examples (e.g.,replacement value for land, dislocation allowance, transfer grant, relocation at project-sponsored RSsite, grievance redressal, income and livelihood restoration, third party independent monitoring etc.)from the Jamuna <strong>Bridge</strong> <strong>Project</strong>. Compensation and other assistance will be paid to APs prior todislocation and dispossession from acquired assets or three months prior to construction activities,whichever is earlier.8.4.3 Valuation of Assets29. To ensure that APs can replace the lost property, a replacement value will be provided asdetermined by a Property Valuation Advisory Committee (PVAC), which has already been constitutedby BBA with representatives from BBA, DD Consultants, concerned DC office, local Upazila (localgovernment), and PWD. The Design Consultants provided all technical support to the PVAC to8-34

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