Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Table 8-3: Summary of Costs of EMP during Construction and O/MActivities/ Items Number Unit QuantityRate(USD) Amount (USD)A) During Construction Stage (3 Years)I. Environmental Management Budget – Contractors Budget1 Dust management by water 4 vehday180 160sprayer/watering115,2002 Dredge Material Disposal andManagement 1,900,0003 Top Soil Stripping, Storage and Reuse m 3 1,500,000 2 3,000,0004 Hydro-meteorological Station 91,0005 Visitor Center (Ref: Table 8-12: Cost of Visitor Centre atMawa) 430,0006 Hydro-meteorological Station (Ref: Table 8-14: Budget forEstablishment of Hydro-meteorologicalStation) 91,0007 Community Environ. Management Plan (Ref.: Table 26 and 28, Vol. 1: EA for RS) 309,0248 Land acquisition and Resettlement Included in RAP9 Provision of cross drains Included in CivilWorks10 Construction camp and yard facilities Included in CivilWorks11 Environmental Specialists with theIncluded in CivilContractorsWorksSubtotal of Mitigation Budget (I) 5,936,224II. Compensation and Enhancement Budget – PIU Budget1 Tree plantation and Green area (Ref: Table 8-9: Cost Estimates for Treedevelopment planPlantation Plan) 1,383,1232 <strong>Padma</strong> Protected Sanctuary (Ref.Table 8-11: Estimated budget for theProtected Sanctuary ) 1,350,5003 Development of Resettlement Sites Included in RAP4 Public Health Action Plan Included in PHAP5 Income and livelihood Restoration Plan Included in RAPSubtotal of Compensation/ Enhancement Budget (II) 2,733,623III. EMMP Implementation, Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building – PIUBudget1Establishment of Safeguard Departmentin BBA(Ref: Table 9-1: Budget for establishmentof SD) 1,350,0002Environmental Consultants with CSC (Ref: Annex 9-3: Construction SupervisionConsultants) 2,763,0003 Environmental Management System (Ref. Annex 9-6: Framework for EMS) 220,0004 Ecological training to construction (Ref. Table 8-10: Budget for WildlifeworkersBaseline Establishment and Monitoring) 25,0005 Other Capacity Building Programs (Ref Table 9-4: Institutional StrengtheningBudget) 928,800Subtotal of Institutional Budget (III) 5,286,800Sub-Total (A) - Budget During Construction 13,956,647B) During Operation and Maintenance (5 Years)1 Maintenance of Plantation for 2 years (Ref: Table 8-9: Cost Estimates for Tree1,383,123Plantation Plan)2 Emergency Response Plan (Ref: Annex 8-3: Emergency ResponsePlan) 1,228,4552 Protected Sanctuary operation for 5 (Ref: Table 8-11: Estimated budget for the84,000yearsProtected Sanctuary )3 Visitor Center operation for 3 years (Ref: Table 8-12: Cost of Visitor Centre at849,000Mawa)4 Hydro-meteorological Station O/M for 5 (Ref.: Table 8-14: Budget for193,000yearsEstablishment of Hydro-meteorologicalStation)5 Community Environmental Management Vol. 1: EA for RS 433,348PlanSubtotal (B) – Budget During O/M 3,737,5788-32

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