Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Parameter Location Means of Monitoring Frequency Responsible AgencyImplemented By Supervised ByTSS, EC, Cl, NH3- located near theN, Fe, As, DO, construction sitesBOD, COD, TC, (including thoseFC, Oil and locations whereGrease)baseline water qualitymonitoring was carriedout)Groundwater Drinking water wellsquality (As, Mn, Fe, established byand coliforms) contractor forconstruction workers(in 5 locations,including monitoringwells established inthe construction site)Plantation In all proposedplantation sitesWasteManagementDrinking water andsanitationDredge materialreclamation sitesBathymetry ofbridge alignment toschedule the pilingin Hilsa migratoryConstruction campsand construction sitesIn construction yardsand constructioncampsIn the designated charused for dredgematerial disposalAlong the bridgealignmentDepth of tube well should be morethan 300m. Test water for arsenic,iron and manganese beforeinstalling of casing. If the quality isfound not suitable furtherdeepening will be done.Visual inspection to ensureplantations in green areas andother designated sites.Visual inspection that solid waste isdisposed at designated siteEnsure the construction workersare provided with safe water andsanitation facilities in the siteMaintain a record of volume ofdredge material disposed on thecharMaintain a record of volume ofdredge material disposed into theriver during monsoon time, andvolume of materials given to thepublicBathymetric survey along thebridge alignmentDuring drilling of wellsContractor through anationally recognizedlaboratoryCSCExternal MonitorMonthly Contractor CSCMonthly Contractor CSCWeekly Contractor CSCWeekly Contractor CSC, External MonitorYearly, immediately aftermonsoon seasonContractorCSC, External Monitor8-27

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