Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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<strong>Project</strong>ActivitiesEnvironmentalImpactsThere will be potentialfor diseases to betransmitted includingmalaria, exacerbatedby inadequate healthand safety practices.There will be anincrease risk ofsexually transmittinginfections and HIVAIDsIII. OPERATIONS ANDMAINTENANCE STAGE1. Main <strong>Bridge</strong>Road and railtraffic Deterioration innoise quality inthe train.Operation of Vehicle accidents,the bridge Accidental spillage ofoils/fuels, lubricantsGas leakage andexplosion2. River Training StructuresOperation of Drainage congestion,river training soil erosion andstructures siltationMitigation/Compensation Measures Implement Health and Hygiene guidelines in ECP on Construction CampManagement Implement ECP 17 on Workers Health and Safety Environmental specialists and occupational, health and safety specialistto be hired to monitor workers health, safety and hygiene for entireconstruction period of 3 yearsClosed windows will reduce the noise level within the train.Bangladesh Railway can take initiative for awareness campaign to railpassengers by putting some appropriate messages within the passengerbogy like `close windows to reduce noise effect on your ears’Environmental Response Plan is prepared for undertaking measures foremergency evacuation of vehicles, victims from bridgeEnvironmental Response Plan is prepared for addressing gas leakageand explosions Undertake visual inspection of erosion on embankment of RTW slopesparticularly due to rain-cut and formulate and implement erosionprotection measures, such as grassing, structural drainage as foundappropriate. Regular monitoring of morphological changes of river at the bridgelocations and along the RTW and formulate bank protection workimmediately for implementation, particularly during monsoon.Budget,USDERPbudget(1,228,455)InstitutionalResponsibilitiesImplementationContractorO/MContractorO/MContractorO/MContractorSupervisionCSC, PIU,ExternalMonitorBBA/BRBBABBA3. Approach RoadsVehicular Increase noise levelmovement because of enhancedNoise models suggest noise levels are within the standards during O/M.However, if any exceedance are noticed during O/M, construct noise7,500 USDfor noiseO/MContractorBBA8-21

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