Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Category B: A proposed project is classified as Category B if its potential adverseenvironmental impact is less adverse than that of Category A projects.Category C: A proposed project is classified as Category C if it is likely to have minimal or noadverse environmental impact.Category FI: A proposed project is classified as Category FI if it satisfies all of the following:o JICA’s funding of the project is provided to a financial intermediary etc.;o the selection and assessment of the actual sub-projects is substantially undertakenby such an institution only after JICA’s approval of the funding and therefore the subprojectscannot be specified prior to JICA’s approval of funding (or assessment of theproject); ando those sub-projects are expected to have potential impact on the environment.27. The PMBDP, as per the above categorization, falls under Category A for the purpose ofenvironmental investigations. Final EIA report approved by DOE needs to be laid open for publicinspection at the JICA headquarter 120 days before a loan agreement for category A projects.1.3.4 The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Requirements28. The EA Guidelines of the Islamic Development Bank is reported to be in process and is yet to bepublished. Hence, no reference could be made to these guidelines.1.4 Harmonized Environmental Safeguard Requirements of the Co-financiers29. In view of the possibilities of support from the above co-financiers, the environmental assessmentof the <strong>Project</strong> will need to satisfy the requirements of the Government as well as those of ADB, WB,JICA, IDB, and KFAED. It is appropriate therefore to develop a harmonized environmental safeguardframework for conducting the EIA study for the <strong>Padma</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong> project. Accordingly, a harmonizedenvironmental safeguard framework is developed and presented in Annex 1-1. The terms-of-referencefor the environmental assessment (EA) study was prepared on this basis. These ToRs have beenreviewed and approved by the BBA, DOE and by the co-financiers.1.5 Review of the Past Environmental Assessment and Related Studies30. GoB has carried out a number of studies on its own and with the assistance from the co-financiersfor the <strong>Padma</strong> <strong>Bridge</strong>. A prefeasibility study was carried out in 2000 by GoB. This study was followedby the first feasibility study supported by JICA in 2005. The JICA study formed the basis for the GOBto proceed with the design and construction of the bridge. As a next step in 2006, BBA undertook asafeguard study and prepared environmental and resettlement documents. Asian Development Bank(ADB) prepared a project preparatory technical assistance (PPTA) in 2007. This led to preparation of aTA loan to develop the detailed design of the <strong>Padma</strong> bridge including River-training works andapproach roads, and to assist GoB in engaging detailed design consultant. These studies formed thebasis for the current design consultant’s work, especially in the area of environment and resettlementsafeguard issues.31. The present Environmental Assessment (EA) builds on the previous environmental studies withadditional focus in climate change, associated regional impacts, and railway and utility connections.The study covers impacts of project components such as 6.15km long bridge, approach roads, Rivertraining works (RTWs), bridge-end-facilities (service areas, construction yards and toll plazas),resettlement sites (RS), and railway integration with two stations and docking facilities, high pressuregasmain and high voltage power transmission lines and optical fiber cable on the bridge. In addition tothe above components, the EA also addressed regional impacts and on cumulative basis to reflect onassociated components such as widening of the national highway and connectivity to rail network thatmay be implemented in the future.1.5.1 Key elements of the Review32. Basis of the review process of each of the above studies have been: Environmental Guidelines followed; Scope or the Boundaries considered; Nature of the study (IEE, EIA and EMP);1-16

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