Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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<strong>Project</strong>ActivitiesEnvironmentalImpactsMitigation/Compensation MeasuresUse of vehicles, machineries and equipments that are of good qualityand generates noise as per their specificationsBudget,USDInstitutionalResponsibilitiesImplementationSupervisionPollution risk from fueland other hazardousmaterial storage sites Implement ECP 2 on ‘Fuels and Hazardous Goods Management’ Contractor to develop and undertake construction waste managementstrategy for both hazardous and non-hazardous wastes separately. Contractor to confine the contaminants immediately after suchaccidental spillage Contractor to collect contaminated soils, treat and dispose them inenvironment friendly manner All areas intended for storage of hazardous materials to be quarantinedand provided with adequate facilities to combat emergency situationscomplying all the applicable statutory stipulation Train the personnel in-charge of these sites to control access to theseareas and entry to be allowed only under authorizationIncluded incivil workscontractContractorCSCAir and noise pollutionfrom Operation ofgenerators forelectricity generationSurface waterpollutionSolid Waste, excessmaterialsOccupational healthand safety issues Routine maintenance and regular inspection of these generators. Use of canopy for diesel/gas generators for noise control/reduction Implement ECP 3 on ‘Water Resources Management’ Discharge sediment laden construction water into settling lagoons ortanks prior to final discharge Discharge alkaline water from the concrete works that consists of fineparticles into settling lagoons prior to final discharge Implement ECP 1 on Waste Management Develop appropriate construction waste management strategy alongwith its strict adaptation Install proper waste disposal facilities; Organize proper collection and transportation of wastes Implement ECP 19 on Workers Health and Safety Ensure construction related safety measures as an integral part of theconstruction works Provision of adequate on site First Aid Boxes and treatment facilitiesIncluded in Contractor CSC, PIUair qualitymonitoringbudget43,200 Contractor CSC, PIUIncluded incivil workscontractIncluded inCivil WorksContractorContractorCSC, PIUCSC, PIU8-14

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