Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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<strong>Project</strong>ActivitiesEnvironmentalImpacts 26,692 personswill be affectedMitigation/Compensation MeasuresEncourage women participation in construction worksBudget,USDInstitutionalResponsibilitiesImplementationSupervision2. Resettlement Site DevelopmentDevelopmentofResettlementLoss of 60.59 ha ofagriculture land and17,536 trees, 1.5 haSitesof ponds, andconstruction relatedimpacts such loss oftop soils, noiseimpacts.3. Construction YardSiteConversion ofpreparation agriculture land intoconstruction site,damageofvegetations (crops,trees etc.) and topsoils A stand alone EA/IEE for RS is prepared for the development ofResettlement sites (Vol. 1 of EAP).Provision of adequate and timely compensation for standing crops andtrees prior to clearing of the site,Proper cutting and storing of vegetations and storing at suitable locationsfor burningStrip off top soils (depth about 0.5m) and stock pile them. Later, reusethe top soils on top of the dredged sandFollow ECPs 12 and 13 on Protection of Flora and Fauna while treecuttingUS$25.17million (Ref.RAP1)Included incivil workscontractNGOs,ContractorsContractorsPIUCSC , PIUEarth fillingandCompactionPollution fromoverflow of filledearth (dredgedmaterials)Erosion from the filledmaterials and sideslope of filled landsTesting of quality of dredged materials used for land filling to confirmwhether soil is pollution free. If found contaminated borrow materialsfrom approved sites will be used.Usage of dredge material for land filling in accordance with DredgeMaterial Disposal PlanProper compaction of sedimentsConstruction of Side Slope of Filled Land of 1:2 by suitable soils withproper compaction as per design. Slope surface should be covered bytop soils/ cladding materials and grass turfings with suitable grass.Earth filling for side slope of filled lands should be done only within theboundary line of the CY to avoid damage to adjacent agricultural land,crops, trees or any other properties. In case of damage by anyconstruction activity, adequate compensation should be paid to the4,050 (Ref:MonitoringBudget)Included incivil workscontractContractorContractorCSC, PIUCSC, PIU8-10

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