Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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ImpactMitigation measuresMonitoring meansFrequency of MonitoringBudgetImplementation agencySupervision Agency20. The contractor also has to refer to the corresponding ECPs proposed in the next section foradditional and specific measures to be adopted while implementing the EMMP.8.3 Environmental Code of Practices (ECP)21. A Standard Environmental Code of Practice (ECP) has been prepared to address all generalconstruction related and environmental impacts of the PMBP. The ECPs will provide guidelines forbest operating practices and environmental management guidelines to be followed by the contractorsfor sustainable management of all environmental issues. This ECP could be annexed in the generalconditions of all the contracts carried out under the PMBP.22. The list of ECPs prepared for the PMBP is given below and the ECPs are given in Annex 8.1.ECP 1: Waste ManagementECP 2: Fuels and Hazardous Goods ManagementECP 3: Water Resources ManagementECP 4: Drainage ManagementECP 5: Soil Quality ManagementECP 6: Erosion and Sediment ControlECP 7: Top Soil ManagementECP 8: Topography and LandscapingECP 9: Borrow Areas Development & OperationECP 10: Air Quality ManagementECP 11: Noise and Vibration ManagementECP 12: Protection of FloraECP 13: Protection of FaunaECP 14: Protection of FisheriesECP 15: Road Transport and Road Traffic ManagementECP 16: River Transport managementECP 17: Construction Camp ManagementECP 18: Cultural and Religious IssuesECP 19: Workers Health and Safety23. It is recommended that all major contractors to be procured under the <strong>Project</strong> will be a compliant ofISO 14001. This will be done by BBA imposing the requirements of ISO certification duringprequalification of contractors. These Contractors can also prepare a ‘Construction EnvironmentalAction Plan’ (CEAP) demonstrating the manner in which they will comply with the requirements ofECPs and the mitigation measures proposed in the EMMP of the EIA Report. The CEAP will form thepart of the contract documents and will be used as monitoring tool for compliance. Violation of thecompliance requirements will be treated as non-compliance leading to the corrections or otherwiseimposing penalty on the contractors.8-8

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