Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Occupational, Health and Safety (OH) Specialist, who will be working in close coordination with theenvironmental staff of CSC and PIU.17. CSC will be responsible to monitor all activities of all contractors procured under the <strong>Project</strong>. Asseveral contractors will be working simultaneously for timely and speedy implementation of the project,it is important that CSC has an environmental unit to effectively supervise and monitor theenvironmental activities being implemented in the field. Details of the environmental consultants ofCSC and their responsibilities are given in the Chapter 9. The CSC is also responsible to update ormake necessary changes to the EMMP if required based on the revised designs and locations.18. A combined grievance redress committee is proposed to address grievances in both social andenvironmental issues. In addition, there will be NGOs working for plantation program andenvironmental awareness and other consultants working under small contract for the introduction ofalternative energy, improved cooked stove, and aerobic composting.BBAExecutiveDirectorEnvironmentalManagementCommitteePIU<strong>Project</strong> DirectorPanel ofExpertsConstructionSupervisionConsultantSafeguardDepartmentDept. of Environment, RHD,Bangladesh RailwayTwinning Institutes(BUET, CEGIS, BWDB,IUCN, BAEC, DofM etc.)O/M ContractorContractors/NGOs/ SmallContractGrievanceRedressCommitteeCommand lineEMMPCoordination LineFigure 8-3: Proposed Institutional Framework for EMMP Implementation8.2 Management of <strong>Project</strong> related Impacts19. An EMMP has been prepared for each identified high and medium ranked impact/risk andpresented in Table 8-1. This EMMP is divided into three sections, pre-construction, construction, andO/M. Again each section is further divided into <strong>Project</strong> activity to address activity wise impacts. Eachimpact in the EMMP is addressed by the following stepsActivity8-7

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