Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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GenderTransport Communication111. Vegetation: Roadside green area development will have significant positive impacts in terms ofimproved landscaping, roadside bird habitats, trapping air pollutants/dusts, reduction in noise level toroad surroundings, etc. An approximately 73ha of lands will be brought under roadside green areadevelopment.112. Employment: During operation the project will generate substantial amount of employment in theproject area and throughout the country due to several types of project induced developments, asbelow:Employment opportunities in the O/M of the road;The project area will directly get economic and employment benefits having direct access forits goods to Dhaka and other parts in the north-eastern Bangladesh, by using the approachroads and bridge;There is an industrial belt between Jessore and Khulna including several industrial areas inKhulna. A new EPZ will be established near Mongla Port, the second largest sea port servingas the gateway for imports and exports to the southwestern and northern regions. A deepseaport under consideration in Mongla will get an important link throughout the country. Theproposed bridge would largely benefit the import/export trade through this port as well asreduce pressure on the Chittagong port. In all considerations, the southwest region will get amomentum in industrialization creating huge additional employment.The economic gains and employment generation through this project would substantiallycontribute to the poverty reduction in the whole country in general and the south-western partin particular.113. Gender: After the implementation of the project there will be huge employment generation asmentioned above. As part of the livelihood restoration program for people affected by relocation todesignated resettlement villages, ‘women’s corners’ will be established in each resettlement site.These women’s corners will serve as physical spaces where women can get network, learn, supporteach other, and undertake both group and individual income earning activities. In the first instance,the NGO/s will be contracted to promote livelihood activities and will be specifically instructed to targetwomen at these centers. The women’s corners will be the place where education and safeguardmessages targeting women and girls will be displayed. Additionally, information about the activities oflocal organizations providing relevant services, such as Upazila Mohila Adhidoptar, Upazila socialwelfare and Upazila Youth Department will be provided in order to improve women’s access toexisting services. Women participation will be increased because each resettlement site will have afully functioning women’s corner (with the help of NGO support) with active membership of at least40% of village women over the age of 30 by the end of the first year.114. Transport Communication: A large number of road vehicles will use the road which will graduallyincrease with years. Opening year traffic is expected to be 12,056 vehicles per day, growing over75,636 in thirty two years. The impact on transport sector is significantly high which in turn will resultin a lot of development works, employment generation in the project area and at regional level,particularly in the south-western part of the country. Service road along the approach road will provideeasy access to the slow moving/non-motorized rural transports. This will have a tremendous positiveimpact on the rural poor for whom non-motorized transports are the important source of livelihoods. Inaddition, the provided underpasses will allow people and animals to move both sides of the limitedaccess highway using connecting rural roads without any potential road risks. <strong>Bridge</strong> End Facilities/Area115. Operation of bridge end facilities (toll plaza and service area) will have potential significantpositive impacts only.Major Positive ImpactVegetation7-32

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