Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Clearing of sitesDredging of channels to bring barges and temporary RTWDevelopment of facilitiesMobilization of equipments, construction materials/ vehiclesStorage, batch mixing, and fabricationOperation of construction yardMajor Negative Impacts83. The major negative impact is on: Riverbed Material Loss of agricultural lands and production Health, water supply, hygiene and safety Loss of wetlands/aquatic habitats Deterioration in noise quality Deterioration of air quality Water quality84. Bed material and topsoil: In Mawa side, a newly emerged Charland to the south of the Mainbridge approach was considered an appropriate location. Access to the site by road will be using theRTW acquisition (under the FS) that will not be required as per the new RTW design for Mawa side. Inaddition, access to construction harbor and berthing will be done by dredging the existing narrowchannel, without affecting the Charland. The site will be developed by dredge materials from theadjacent river bank. The channel north of the proposed site may pose a potential risk for futureerosion. To minimize the risks, the narrow channel along the bankline will be filled up linking theCharland to the mainland. This will provide easy access to the CY from the mainland. TemporaryRTW (1.1km) needs to be developed for protection from potential erosion and existing channelbetween two Charland requires widening to 60m by dredging for local vessel and access toconstruction harbor and berthing facilities. It is estimated that about 1.73Mm 3 of excavation work willbe required for temporary RTW and harbor and berthing facilities. In order to fill the land designatedfor CY it is estimated that about 1.08Mm 3 fill will be required to attain a fill height of 4m.85. Loss of agricultural lands and production: The proposed construction yard (CY) in Mawa side is ina small Charland close to the bank, which is mostly fallow in nature. The CY in Janjira side will be inthe agricultural land. A total of 159ha of lands will be required for construction yards of which 81 hawill be acquired for Mawa construction yard and 78ha will be requisitioned (leased) for 6 years forJanjira construction yard. The location of Mawa CY is in a newly formed Charland without anyhabitation. The Janjira CY is mainly agricultural land and will be requisitioned for 6 years. The loss ofcrop production is considered temporary or permanent depending on the willingness of land-ownershow they would like to use their lands after having them back from project: If the land-owners want their lands as it is, then the project will collect, store and reuse top soilfor use in reversing the lands to their original use; in such case the loss of agricultural landsand production is temporary; If the land-owners want their lands raised, then the loss of agricultural lands is permanent.However in such case the project will collect, store and reuse top soil for green beltdevelopment by the land-owners.86. Health, water supply, hygiene and safety: Occupation health and safety of workers and othersrelates to a lot of health issues relevant to construction works in the construction yards. Since a largenumber of workers will be working in the construction yards it is important that health, water supply,hygiene and sanitation issues be addressed properly there. A separate public health action plan isunder preparation which will deal with all sorts of public health issues including water supply, hygiene,and safety as well as HIV/AIDS and contagious diseases. Application of this action plan will addressthe issues in the construction yards. However, general and minimum requirements in the constructionyards are: There must be adequate safe drinking water supply facilities for drinking and other purposes.Groundwater complying with the national standards of safe water will be abstracted for thispurpose.7-25

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