Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Impacts on other Wetland: In addition to the seasonal and permanent wetlands (river, khals etc.),permanent wetland (ponds) of 2.39 ha will be affected by the RTW alignments. These lands arelocated very close to the river bank and within the floodplain of the river which is nourished withseasonal floods and nutrients. Wetlands will be affected mainly during high floods; effects will berelatively low during the low annual flood. An estimated 3.36 ton of fish production loss is expectedin the RTW alignment due to the affected ponds.56. Charland: Disposal of dredged material without proper management on unhabitated Charland atdownstream of the proposed bridge alignment will have significant impacts such as, loss of land,deterioration of surface water quality, etc. Such impact will also depend on the existing landusecharacteristics of the Charland. Expected typical impacts are loss of vegetation, loss of habitats formigratory birds, benthos, snakes, insects etc. Dust pollution may also occur specially during dryperiod due to deposition of dredged materials on Charland. Further, due to frequent movement ofconstruction vessels Charland will be eroded.57. Landuse: Reclamation of lands using land disposal of dredge material will obviously result inchange in landuse. Based on the feasibility study, the negative impacts on the existing landusepattern of about 394ha in Janjira side and 115ha in Mawa side will be permanently changed (Table7-11). However, expected typical impacts are loss of agricultural lands, homestead forests, loss ofseasonal wetlands, fish and aquatic bird habitat, etc.Table 7-11: Landuse pattern in RTWLanduse type Mawa (ha) Janjira (ha)Homestead 58.35 42.93Agriculture 55.74 272.31Waterbody 0.62 1.77Others (garden, fallow and0 77Charland)Total 114.71 394.01Source: Consultant’s Estimate, 20097.2.2.3 Approach Roads58. Following major activities for the approach roads will result in major positive and negativeimpacts: Mobilization of equipments, construction materials/ vehicles Clearing of sites Removing of top soils Earth filling and compaction for road embankment Construction of road structures Waste disposalMajor Negative Impacts59. The potential negative impacts are on: Vegetation Agriculture Fisheries Top soil Drainage Air quality60. Clearing of vegetation along the road corridors: Site clearance for the approach roads will cut80,257 nos. of trees without bamboo and banana trees. Table 7-12 presents the affected trees by sizealong the approach road alignment.7-19

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