Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. Loss of Agriculture Production9. A total of about 764 ha agriculture land will be permanently acquired for various projectcomponents. It is estimated that yearly crop production loss will be about 21,972 tons due to theproject interventions. In Mawa side, the loss will be about 1,079 tons and in Janjira side it is about20,893 tons (Table 7-3). Major crops in Mawa side are rice and potato and in Janjira side they areonion, sugarcane, garlic and wheat.Table 7-3: Loss of agriculture crops by the project componentsCrops Mawa JanjiraRice 539.53 1,591.18Potato 539.53 0Wheat - 1,911.77Mustard - 1,567.02Jute - 1,828.20Onion - 5,223.42Garlic - 2,918.17Coriander - 804.93Cumin seeds 103.45Sugarcane - 4,178.73Banana - 766.60Total 1,079.06 20,893.47Source: The Consultant’s Estimate, 2009-20107.2.1.5 Potential Impact on Ecological Resources10. Endangered, vulnerable, and rare species (species listed in IUCN Red list or CITES Status) wereobserved during bi-monthly ecological surveys conducted during 21-22 July, 8-9 September, 20-21November, 2009 and 13-15 January, 25-26 March, 2010 and potentially will be affected by projectinterventions. Among 170 wildlife species during field surveys, 7 bird species, 9 mammals, 16 reptilesand 6 amphibians are listed in the IUCN Red List or CITES Status and might be affected in variousdegrees due to the construction activities. Table 7-4 presents a list of these species, number sightedand potential impacts. Potential impacts on species shown in Table 7-4 due to project interventionwere developed based on the following criteria: Species listed in IUCN Red list or CITES Status Location and abundance of species in the project area Species behavior and response to the construction activities, this includes speed ofmovement, access to migration routes etc. Location of breeding/calving ground and habitats in reference to the construction activities11. Hilsa and major carps are considered important species from economic and livelihoodperspectives and potentially will be negatively impacted due to the project intervention. In addition, 29fish species (Table 3-20) of conservation significance (IUCN Red List) are known to occur in <strong>Padma</strong>River.Table 7-4: IUCN Red List and CITES species observed in the project areaNameBirdsBrown FishOwlIUCN/CITESStatusVulnerableLocalStatusUncommonResidentLocal NameKhoiraMechopechaNumber Location Sighted PotentialSighted 1 Impact2 Lauhajang village3.5 km d/s ofbridge side,Kumarbhog, 1.5km d/s of bridgesideMinor impactComb Duck Critically Vagrant Badi Hansh 1 Approx. 5km u/s Major impact7-5

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