Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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7 Assessment of Impacts/Risks for PreferredAlternative7.1 Preamble1. Potential impacts on various environmental components due to different <strong>Project</strong> activities duringpre-construction, construction, and O/M stages have been identified and prioritized through scopingexercise in Chapter 4. The impact assessment and mitigation measures for resettlement sitedevelopment are covered in a separate document (Vol. 1 a/b: EA/IEE for RS) and will not be includedin this Chapter. Readers are encouraged to review Vol 1 of the EAP. The following detailedinvestigations are being carried out to assess the magnitude of these prioritized impacts: Census survey to assess the extent of land acquisition and resettlement, loss of vegetation,occupation, income and poverty levels of the affected households, etc. Noise modeling using FHWA TNM 2.5 (Federal Highway Administrators Traffic Noise Model)to predict the traffic noise levels. Estimates of railway noise and vibration using Transit Noise and Vibration ImpactAssessment, Federal Transit Administration. Emission inventories of various criteria pollutants and GHGs using USEPA (United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency) and IPCC guidelines.Air Quality Dispersion Modeling using CALINE 4 and CAL3QHC is used to predict thepollutant concentrations. Hydrological modeling using MIKE 11 and MIKE 21 to map the configuration of rivermorphology and flow pattern due to the <strong>Project</strong> intervention and to simulate the impacts ofclimate change on water levels at the <strong>Project</strong> site.Satellite image processing using remote sensing technology for landuse mapping.Environmental quality baseline monitoring of air, noise, surface water, groundwater and riverbed sediments,Bi-monthly ecological surveys comprising vegetation, wildlife, and fisheries covering bothmainland and Charland,Charland surveys comprising socioeconomic status and environmental settings,Expert consultations focus group discussions, and public consultations.2. Results of all investigations including bi-monthly ecological surveys are provided in Chapter 3.Detailed bills of quantities and costs are not made available to third parties for confidentiality ofinformation by BBA and specific equipment usage during construction is not known at this stage. Thischapter presents an overview of the selected impacts in a sequence and priority as identified inChapter 4, quantification of information is made available to the extent available and possible.3. As explained in Annex 4-3 of Chapter 4, the project activities will trigger out both positive andnegative impacts. In accordance with their magnitude, spatial context, durability and mitigability theimpacts have been prioritized as high, medium and low both for positive and negative impacts. Highand medium positive and negative impacts have been considered as potentially significant. The lowpriority positive and negative impacts are considered as insignificant as their impacts are short-termand local and are easily mitigable with the adaptation of good construction practices. Thus these arenot detailed in this Chapter; however, they are assessed in Chapter 8 with mitigation andmanagement measures with Environmental Code of Practices.7.2 <strong>Project</strong> Related Significant Impacts7.2.1 Pre-construction Stage7.2.1.1 Loss of Land and Resettlement4. All land required for the <strong>Project</strong> will be acquired during the pre-construction stage. Only the sitesdesignated for the construction yards in Janjira side will be requisitioned through leasing for about 6years period. Figure 7-1 presents the total land required for the project and Figure 7-2 summarizesthe households and other assets to be affected by the project. The resettlement is expected togenerate mainly three types of social impacts such as, psychological stress, split of communities, and7-1

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