Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Criterion Alternative 1Revetment along bankInvestment costSocial and ResettlementLand acquisition for RTWAccess restriction to navigation and riverbank600 millionNorth bank 44 millionSouth bank 556 million88 ha flood plain land290 ha in riverAccess along 13 km of guidingrevetment will be affected duringconstruction.New arrangements have to be madeand additional distances to be travelled.Alternative 2Guide bund & hard points onbank527 millionNorth bank 44 millionSouth bank 483 million137 ha flood plain land213 ha in riverAccess along 10 km of guidingrevetment will be affected duringconstruction.Alternative 2 modifiedGuide bund on bank, hard points onchar620.7 millionNorth bank 44 millionSouth bank 577 million95 ha flood plain land195 ha char land152 ha in river880 ha land will be filledAccess along 13 km of guidingrevetment will be affected duringconstruction.Displacement due to future river bankerosion.No additional erosion due to fullprotectionAdditional possible erosion fromoutflanking of 725 ha betweenprotected areasAdditional expected erosion fromoutflanking of 770 ha betweenprotected areasEnvironmentConstruction impacts with immediateconsequence(Short term impacts arising fromconstruction activities that arise despitemitigation measures)Increased turbidity associated with 34 Mm³ of dredging and dredge spoildisposal.The increased turbidity due to dredgingis not considered problematic since totalannual amount of dredging is in theorder of 15 M m³ over two seasons (foralternative 1 and 2) only amounts toaround 2.7% of the <strong>Padma</strong>’s totalannual sediment transport of 1 Billiontons or 555 M m³. As such dredginghas no major short-term impact on theIncreased turbidity associatedwith 33 M m³ of dredging anddredge spoil disposalIncreased turbidity associated with42 M m³ of dredging.However turbidity associated withthe dredge spoil disposal will be lessas the spoils will be partially used forreclamation purposes.6-26

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