Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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development of Resettlement SitesConstructionHigh negative impact due to filling of 639 ha of floodplain and 12 haof ponds for development of project sites. About 465 ha of <strong>Padma</strong>river will be affected due to footprints of RTW works. Dredging forRTW and disposal of dredged materials will have impacts onaquatic habitat. Further, pile driving activities generates highunderwater noise levels which will affect the fishes, dolphins andother aquatic life. Pile driving in deep channels during March to Maywill have negative impact on the migration of juvenile Hilsa.Operation & Maintenance No significant impactVegetationVegetation in the project area is very common and will provide the habitat for wildlife, and food andwood to the local community.Assessment of impactsPre- constructionHigh negative impact due to clearing of sites in Resettlement sitessince about 17,000 trees will be cut High positive impact duringplanting of trees in about 25 hectares in resettlement sites.Construction High negative impacts encountered during clearing of allconstruction sites. It is estimated that about 200,000 trees will becut.Operation &MaintenanceHigh positive impacts due to plantation of about 400,000 plantsalong approach roads and bridge end facilitiesDredge Materials and DisposalHuge volume of dredged materials will be generated from dredging works of RTW and directdisposal of the materials in the river will influence the river water quality or direct disposal on landwill influence the soil quality.Assessment of ImpactsPre- constructionConstructionLow negative impact during development of resettlement stiesHigh negative impact due to generation of about 44 million cubicmeters of dredged materials from dredging activities of RTW.Dredging for development of construction yard near Mawa side anddredging for movement of barges along the main bridge alignmentalso generate significant quantities of dredged material.Operation & Maintenance No impactAgricultureAgriculture is the major dominant economic activity in the project area.Assessment of impactsPre- constructionHigh negative impact due to acquisition of about 702 ha ofagriculture land leading to an annual loss of 21.961 tons of crop.ConstructionHigh negative impact due to clearing of agricultural lands.Operation &Maintenance Induced developments at the regional scale will have mediumnegative impact.Noise QualityAmbient noise quality in the project area is generally low except along the roads and ferry ghats.<strong>Project</strong> activities generates high air and underwater noise levels that significantly affect aquatichabitat and wild life, and nearby communities.Assessment of impactsPre- construction Low negative impact due to mobilization of equipments,construction materials/ vehicles during the construction ofresettlement sties.ConstructionHigh negative impacts due to construction of bridge substructures,especially during pile driving, which generates high underwater andair noise levels that affect hilsa migration, dolphins’ vocalisation andmigratory birds’ habitat. There will be also medium negativeimpacts due to (i) construction of main bridge superstructure, (ii)mobilization of equipments, construction materials/ vehicles at allthe construction sites, and (iii) activities at construction yards.4-7

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