Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Sl.No.Meansofcommunication Nos. Length1 NationalHighway2 RegionalHighwayMunshiganj Madaripur Shariatpur(km)Nos.Length(km)Nos.Length(km)1 33 1 47 0 03 100 1 16 2 473 District road 11 183 3 80 6 874 Upazila RoadPaved 228 565 207 536 236 604Kutcha road 812 1544 540 1,694 531 1529Source: RMMS, RHD 2009 and LGED, 2009128. People can reach the capital city in an hour or less by bus from Mawa side in Lauhajangupazila. The earthen roads are also adequate to ply rickshaws and rickshaw-vans. Truck and othermotorized vehicles are available in the area.129. To attend work places, about 82 percent of the people travel on foot in Mawa side and 49percent in the Janjira side. People in Janjira side still use ox-carts and about 1 percent of the peoplego to work places on carts. However, a good number of people in both areas use rickshaw/van orbuses. About 11 percent people in Mawa side use rickshaw/van and 5 percent use bus. In Janjiraside, about 18 percent use rickshaw/van, about 8 percent use buses and another 9 percent use autotempos.About 14 percent of the population in Janjira side use boat, trawler or launches as theirmeans of transport to work places (Table 3-52).Table 3-52: Mode of transport to work placeMawa side Janjira side TotalMode of travel Number % Number % Number %On foot 61 82.4 164 49.3 225 55.3Cart 0 4 1.2 4 1.0Rickshaw/ Van 8 10.8 60 18.0 68 16.7Bus 4 5.4 28 8.4 32 7.9Boat 1 1.4 16 4.8 17 4.1Launch/Trawler0 32 9.6 32 7.9Tempo 0 29 8.7 29 7.1Total 74 100 333 100 407 100Source: ADB TA 4652-BAN, 2007130. During recent years people can reach the motorized roads without much effort than it was inearlier days. Bus-truck and other motorized vehicles are available there. River transport are alsomuch used by people, but they take longer travel time - about 1-2 hours or more to cross the 6 kmwide <strong>Padma</strong> River. This make their journey to the capital city in about 2-3 hours which could bepossible in an hour and a few minutes if the River was not there or there was a bridge on the River.Table 3-53: Use of cell phone by villagersMode of travel Mawa side Janjira side TotalNumber % Number % Number %Use own cell phone 29 24.2 40 14.8 69 17.7Use from callcenters77 64.2 203 75.2 280 71.8Never use cellphone14 11.6 27 10.0 41 10.53-68

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