Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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exhaustive.3.5.8 Water Supply and Sanitation125. Most people in the <strong>Project</strong> area use ground water for drinking (about 90%) and rest 10percent of the people use surface water from river and pond for drinking purpose. However, theconsultation in both sides of the River depicts that sources of draft water include tube-wells, ponds,canals and small ditches. It is reported that shallow aquifer at Mawa side usually is arseniccontaminated but deep aquifer is not arsenic contaminated. At Janjira side, both aquifers are arsenicfree. Numbers of tubewells affected by the project’s components are presented in Table 3-49.Table 3-49: Number of affected Tubewells within the ROW of the <strong>Project</strong><strong>Project</strong> Components No. of DTW No. of STW No. of HTWRS2: Jashaldia (Mawa) 0 0 0RS3: Kumarbhog (Mawa) 0 0 2RS4: Pashchim Naodoba (Janjira ) 0 1 3RS4: Bakhorerkandi (Janjira ) 0 2 0Service area (SA1, Mawa ) 0 0 0Service area (SA2, Janjira ) 1 1 14Approach Road (Mawa ) 0 0 22Approach Road (Janjira ) 0 0 33Toll Plaza (Janjira ) 0 0 1Total 1 4 75Note: DTW: Deep Tubewell, STW: Shallow Tubewell, HTW: Hand Tubewell126. Sanitary latrines affected by project components are 493 (89%) and hanging toilets (Kutcha)are 62 (11%). In recent years, people in the Janjira side are using more sanitary latrines than hangingtoilets compared to few years back (Table 3-50).Table 3-50: Number of affected toilets within the ROW of the <strong>Project</strong><strong>Project</strong> ComponentNumber of LatrineKutcha Slab Pucca TotalRS2: Jashaldia (Mawa) 0 1 0 1RS3: Kumarbhog (Mawa) 2 8 0 10RS4: Bakhorerkandi (Janjira) 1 0 1 2RS5: Pashchim Naodoba (Janjira) 0 7 0 7Service area (SA1, Mawa) 0 2 0 2Service area (SA2, Janjira) 3 89 0 92Approach Road (Mawa) 22 107 45 174Approach Road (Janjira) 33 214 16 263Toll Plaza (Janjira) 1 3 0 4Total 62 431 62 555Source: BIDS Survey, 20093.5.9 Roads and Communication127. Road Maintenance and Management System of Roads and Highways Department maintainsdistrict wise database of national and regional highways and district roads. Among them, Madaripurhas the highest length of national road (47km) followed by Munshiganj (33km). There is no nationalhighway in Shariatpur district. There are 3 regional highways in Munshiganj with a total length of100km, 1 in Madaripur with a length of 16km and 2 in Shariatpur with total length of 47km,respectively. Communication networks in the project districts are given in Table 3-51. The <strong>Project</strong>districts have no railway line.Table 3-51: Communication network in <strong>Project</strong> districts3-67

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