Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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SI No Crop Cropped Area Crop Production Total Crop(ha)MT / haProduction (MT)Janjira1 Aus 294.50 2.00 589.002 Aman 211.10 2.50 527.753 Onion 137.40 10.20 1401.484 Chilli 39.30 3.30 129.695 Maskolai (Pulses) 157.10 1.30 204.236 Garlic 49.10 5.00 245.507 Sugarcane 98.20 46.30 4546.668 Jute 39.30 3.50 137.559 Wheat 39.30 3.50 137.5510 Mustard 39.30 3.00 117.9011 Mosuri (Pulses) 39.30 1.90 74.6712 Groundnut 39.30 1.90 74.6713 Dhonicha 49.10 7.50 368.25Sub-Total 1,232.30 8,554.90Source: BIDS Survey, 2009-20103.5.2 Fisheries110. Though only 1.68% of the affected households depend on the fishing, significant part of theeconomy in the <strong>Project</strong> area is generated through fish marketing. A whole sale fish market is locatedin Mawa side at Dakshin Medinimondal in Munshiganj district. About 9,000 people are directlydependant on the fish market for their earning. In 2003-2004, the total fish produced from the <strong>Padma</strong>basin was 7.928 tons, in which 16.5% (1,307 tons) was from the <strong>Project</strong> districts. Details on fishcatching in the <strong>Project</strong> districts are given in Table 3-42.Table 3-42: Annual catch of Fishes (in tons) in the <strong>Project</strong> districts, 2003-2004DistrictsMajorCarpHilsa Big Shrimp SmallShrimpMisc. Total(tons)Madaripur 7 112 - 22 310 451Munshiganj - 41 - 1 147 189Shariatpur - 429 2 5 231 667Total in <strong>Project</strong> districts 7 582 2 28 688 1,307Total <strong>Padma</strong> River 52 2,667 476 67 4,666 7,928catchDistribution in the 13.5% 21.8% 0.42% 41.8% 14.7% 16.5%<strong>Project</strong> Area districtsSource: Cross reference from ADB TA 4652-BAN, 20073.5.3 Ferry Operations and Ferry Ghats111. Three ferry ghats are located near the <strong>Project</strong> area, Mawa ferry ghat on Mawa side,Kathalbari and Kewrakandi ferry ghats on the Janjira side. Ambient air and noise quality baselinemonitoring was done in both Mawa and Kewrakandi ferry ghats. Section 3.3 provided the detail of theambient air and noise quality levels. Both noise and air quality levels are exceeded the nationalstandards. Different kinds and sizes of boats, launches and ferries are active in transporting people,goods, buses and trucks to both sides. The number of ferries, launches, speedboats and mechanizedboats are about 11, 50, 220 and 1,100, respectively. About 20,000 people are directly or indirectlydependent on the different economic activities in and around the ferry ghats. The number of daily tripsby water transport at Mawa and Kewrakandi ghats is given in Table 3-43. Bangladesh Inland WaterTransport Corporation (IWTC) dredges navigation channel after every monsoon to keep the ferrychannel operational. After the construction of the bridge the ferry operation is expected to be stopped.Table 3-43: Number of daily trips by water transport3-63

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