Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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Figure 3-39: Kumarbhog Jamey Mosque105. The Kumarbhog mosque lies to the east of the main approach to the bridge in Mawa side(Figure 3-39). This mosque stands near the Junction of Dhaka – Mawa Highway and Lauhajang-Mawa Ferry Ghat road to the East of the so called “zero point”. It is the biggest Mosque that has fallenin the acquired land which is of 22.87m length and 15.24m width, two storied, standing on area ofapproximately 1.40 acres, and can accommodate 700 to 800 devotees on the Juma day. This is alsoa registered wakf property and the land, including the graveyard is recorded in the name of themosque. The compensation assessed by the district commissioner for the mosque, graveyard andtree is Taka 5,000,000.3.5 Economic Activities3.5.1 Agriculture106. Agriculture is the mainstay of the economic activity of the <strong>Project</strong> influence area. About 23%of the affected households depend on agriculture for their living. The agriculture production mainlydepends on cropping season with flood condition, cropping diversity, cropping pattern, croppingintensity, irrigation, use of fertilizer, pesticides, soil condition etc. The soil in the <strong>Project</strong> area is veryfertile that keeps the areas with a high yield of crop productions.107. Cropping Season: Three agro-climatic cropping seasons are prominent in the project area.The season from April to November (includes pre-monsoon, monsoon and post monsoon periods),cover Kharif-1 (April-June) and Kharif-2 (July-September) and first two months of the Rabi season(October-November). December to March is a dry period and covers the rest of the Rabi season.Since most of the agricultural lands are located in flood plains, the Kharif, especially Kharif 2, isaffected by floods. The Kharif-2 is also prone to insect attacks. The Rabi cropping season is free fromflood damage.108. Cropping Diversity: Flood plain lands of the <strong>Project</strong> area are suitable for multiple cropping.Cropping diversity is very high in Mawa side with varieties of crops, while it is very low in Janjira side.109. Cropping Pattern: Paddy (Aus, Aman and Boro varieties) is the major crop in the <strong>Project</strong>area. The other crops grown in the <strong>Project</strong> area are onion, garlic, sugarcane, pulses, chilli, groundnutand jute. Paddy is grown in about 83.5% of the total cropping area at Mawa and 41% at Janjira.Onion, garlic and wheat are being grown in sequence for high production in irrigated lands, while theother crops are grown mostly in non-irrigated lands. One, two and three cropped agricultural landswere found in the project area. Cropping pattern and annual crop production within <strong>Project</strong> area isgiven in Table 3-41.Table 3-41: Cropping Pattern and Annual Crop Production in the <strong>Project</strong> AreaSI No Crop Cropped Area Crop Production Total Crop(ha)MT / haProduction (MT)Mawa1 Borro Paddy 147.20 6.30 927.362 Roppa Paddy 98.60 3.50 345.103 Potato 48.60 27.2 1321.92Sub-Total 294.4 2,594.383-62

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