Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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3.4.4 Physical and Cultural Resources103. As per the BIDS survey, many structures were identified in the project area. Table 3-40shows a list of physical and cultural resources (PCR) and their description.Table 3-40: Identification of PCRsSl. Type of No ofBackground descriptionNo. structure Structure1. Private2 One is a private elementary school operated forschool/profit earning. The other is a residential house formadrasastudents of a Madrasa2. Temporary 12 Residents in a cluster of settlement (part of a village)mosquesconstructed these temporary mosques for their dailyprayers. Private land is voluntarily allowed forconstruction of such structure for use by thesurrounding residents. The structure is constructedunder joint contribution or sometimes by a richperson. These structures are considered part of ahousehold and the land owners are known toreceive compensation as a private owner.3. Mazar 1 Shrine of a local “fakir” – Sufi known as GausMastan. Local Muslims visit the shrine (mazar).4. Graves 2 These are graves of family members buried onfamily land. The graves or kabor are placed withinthe courtyard of the households.5. Club/Society 11 These are structures built on roadside public andsometime on private land, often for profits and socialstatus. The communities do not have open accessto these structures.5. Jamey2 Structures of these two mosques are constructed onMosquecommunity owned land (registered in the name ofthe mosques). The residents of the village (or anumber of surrounding villages) are responsible fordevelopment, operation and maintenance of thestructures and the activities there. A committeerepresents the community and the access to themosques is open to all Muslim community beyondthe local community.Source: BIDS Survey, 2009Status asPCRNoNoYesNoNoYes104. Amongst all the structures identified, only two properties were considered as PCRs as perthe definition given in WB OP 4.11 for Cultural Property – i.e., PCRs “are defined as moveable andimmovable objects, sites, structures, groups of structures, and natural features and landscapes thathave archaeological, paleontological, historical, architectural, religious, aesthetic or other culturalsignificance”, para 1). The structures identified as PCR are the Kumarbhog Jamey Mosque (Figure3-39) and a shrine (locally called mazar).3-61

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