Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project


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3.4.1 Population and Community Characteristics99. The left bank of the <strong>Padma</strong> River on Mawa is located in Munshiganj district and the rightbank in Shariatpur and Madaripur districts. The total population of the three affected <strong>Project</strong> districts isabout 9 million. Permanent and stabilized Charland consist of habitations. A big Charland is locatedjust upstream side of the proposed bridge site and it consists of 6 unions. The area of this Charland isabout 60km 2 and the population is about 200,000. More detailed information is available in SAP:Charland Monitoring and Management Framework.100. The <strong>Project</strong> will affect 76,211 people of whom 26,692 will require relocation from theirhomestead and commercial premises, about 46,637 people will lose only agricultural land and 2,882will be affected indirectly losing their income and livelihood due to loss of access to fishing, trade,transportation and wage employment. Details of the <strong>Project</strong> affected households along with projectaffected persons are given in Table 3-36.Table 3-36: Affected Households and Population by Type of Loss by District and UpazilaDistrictAffected Households (AHs)Affected Persons (APs)LossofAgri-LandHousing /BusinessStructurePhysicalCulturalResourcesTotal Loss ofAgri-LandHousing/BusinessStructureWageIncomeTotalRAP I 436 31 1 468 2,385 196 98 2,679RAP II 6,072 1,542 27 7,641 33,214 7,874 1,007 42,095RAP III 2,018 3,402 63 5,483 11,038 18,622 1,777 31,437Total 8,526 4,975 91 13,592 46,637 26,692 2,882 76,211Source: RAP I, RAPII, RAPIII 2010.3.4.2 Socio-economic Conditions101. Principal occupations of the affected households are mainly agriculture and business. Otheroccupations are transportation, labor, industry, service etc. as illustrated in the following Table 3-37.Business through trade/business is the major profession of the heads of the affected households atMawa Side (42.6% male and 2.02% female), while agriculture is the primary profession at Janjira Side(49.34% male and 0.4% female). Service is also an important primary occupation among the projectaffected HHS. Munshigonj people lead it with 66%, Shariatpur 19%, and Madaripur 15%. Anotherimportant primary occupation is Transportation where Munshigonj occupy 50%, Madaripur 38% andShariatpur 12%. Annual income of the households in the project areas is given in the Table 3-38.Highest per capita income earners of Tk. 49,116 are the Munshigonj households followed byShariatpur district Tk. 40,378 and the lowest Tk.37,563 is Madaripur district. Number of lowest incomeearners is the highest in Shariatpur (45%) and the number of the highest income earners(Tk.75,000+) is the highest 52% in Munshigonj district. The people in the Charland are poor and livemainly on agriculture and fishing.Table 3-37: Principal Occupation of the APsMadaripur Shariatpur Munshiganj Total Grand TotalMale Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Number %Agriculture 119 3 222 0 25 0 366 3 369 31.1Industry 6 1 5 1 10 1 21 3 24 2.0Construction 6 0 10 2 8 1 24 3 27 2.3Transportation 47 0 15 0 63 0 125 0 125 10.5Trade/Business 42 1 71 2 211 1 324 4 328 27.7Service 24 1 30 3 108 6 162 10 172 14.5Others 16 27 12 25 30 31 58 83 141 11.9Total 260 33 365 33 455 40 1080 106 1186 100.0% 21.9 2.8 30.8 2.8 38.4 3.4 91.1 8.9 100.0Source: Consultant Report on Social Impact Assessment, April 2010Table 3-38: Level of Per Capita Income of Affected Households by DistrictLevel of No. of Households by District Total3-59

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