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14:00-15:30 HERZLIYA AUD. 14:00-15:30 CHAIS AUD. 14:00-15:30 ARAZI AUD.POST ASSAD: WHAT NEXT FORSYRIA AND LEBANON?Amb. Edward P. Djerejian, FoundingDirector, James A. Baker III Institute forPublic Policy, Rice UniversityMr. Tony Badran, Research Fellow,Foundation for Defense of Democracies(FDD)Prof. Eyal Zisser, Dean, Lester and Sally EntinFaculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv UniversityMs. Smadar Perry, Middle East Editor,Yedioth AhronothModerator: Mr. Zvi Yehezkeli, Channel 10ISRAELI R&D AND THE GLOBALMARKETPLACEIN COOPERATION WITH THE NATIONAL COUNCILFOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT – THEMINISTRY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYProf. Maj. Gen. (res.) Itzhak Ben-Israel,Tel-Aviv University; Chairman, IsraelNational Council for Research andDevelopment – Ministry of Science &TechnologyProf. Ruth Arnon, President, IsraelAcademy for Sciences and HumanitiesMr. Haim Shani, Fmr. Director-General,Ministry of Finance; Fmr. President &CEO Nice SystemsMr. Avi Hasson, Chief Scientist, Ministryof Industry, Trade, and LaborMr. Ophir Shoham, Director, Directoratefor Research and Development, Ministryof DefenseDr. Yosi Ben-Dov, CEO, Time To KnowMr. Shlomo Herskowic, Israel NationalCouncil for Research and Development –Ministry of Science & Technology----MK Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz, Minister ofScience and TechnologyGALILEE: SETTING PRIORITIES FORREGIONAL DEVELOPMENTBrig. Gen. (res.) Eival Gilady, Chairman,Western Galilee CollegeMr. Aharon Valency, Mayor of the UpperGalilee Regional CouncilMr. Adi Eldar, Mayor of KarmielMr. Nahed Khazem, Mayor of ShfaramMs. Orna Hozman-Bechor, Director General,Ministry of Development of the Negev andthe GalileeMr. Natie Shevel, MBE, Regional Director forIsrael, UJIA UK15:45-17:15 HERZLIYA AUD. 15:45-17:15 CHAIS AUD.THE FUTURE OF ISRAEL'S HIGHER EDUCATIONProf. Dan Shechtman, Philip Tobias Professor of MaterialsScience, Technion; 2011 Nobel Prize Laureate----------------Prof. Uriel Reichman, President, IDC HerzliyaProf. Rivka Carmi, President, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev;Chairperson, Committee of University Heads in Israel.Prof. Menahem Yaari, The center for the Study of Rationality, TheHebrew University of JerusalemProf. Mordechai Sokolov, President, Afeka – Tel Aviv AcademicCollege of EngineeringModerator: Dr. Ayelet Ben-Ezer, Vice President for StudentAffairs, IDC HerzliyaTHE STRATEGIC ROLES OF THE US, EUROPE ANDNATO IN THE MIDDLE EASTMdB. Christian Schmidt, Parliamentary State Secretary to theFederal Minister of Defense of GermanyMr. Cem Özdemir, Co-Chair, German Green PartyMr. James Appathurai, NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary Generalfor Political Affairs and Security PolicyDr. Dov S. Zakheim, Senior Fellow CAN; Senior Advisor, Center forStrategic and International Studies; former Under Secretary ofDefense*Mr. Tommy Steiner, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policy andStrategy, IDC Herzliya*The program is preliminary and subject to change; as of January 26, 2012; speakers marked with asterisks are to be confirmed.8

17:30-19:00 HERZLIYA AUD. 17:30-19:00 CHAIS AUD.DIVINE LAW VS. HUMAN LAW: WHERE IS ISRAEL'SSOCIETY HEADED?Prof. Amnon Rubinstein, Radzyner School of Law; Fmr. President,IDC Herzliya; Israel Prize LaureateRabbi Shmuel Chaim Pappenheim, Fmr. Editor of "Ha'EdaHa'Cherdit" BulletinMr. Dani Dayan, Chairman, Yesha CouncilMaj. Gen. (ret.) Alik Ron, Fmr. Commander of Israel PoliceNorthern CommandMK Zahava Gal-On, New Movement – MeretzModerator: Ms. Dana Weiss, Channel 2 NewsTHE SHIFTING BALANCE OF POWER: SAUDI ARABIA,IRAN, EGYPT AND TURKEY IN THE MIDDLE EASTIN COOPERATION WITH THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES(IISS)Dr. David Gordon, Head of Research and Director, Global MacroEurasia Group; Fmr. Vice Chairman, US National Intelligence CouncilBrig. Gen. (Ret.) Michael Herzog, International Fellow, theWashington Institute for Near East Policy; former chief of staff toIsrael's minister of defenseDr. Bruno Tertrais, Senior Research Fellow, Fondation pour larecherche stratégique (FRS)Mr. Adam Ward, Director of Studies, International Institute forStrategic Studies19:15-21:00 HERZLIYA AUD.IN THE EYE OF STORMS: ISRAEL'S NATIONAL SECURITY IN A DIFFERENT MIDDLE EASTMaj. Gen. (res.) Danny Rothschild, Director, Institute for Policy and Strategy; Chair, Annual Herzliya ConferenceLt. Gen. (res.) Danny Haloutz, Fmr. Chief of IDF General StaffProf. Shlomo Avineri, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Fmr. Director General of the Ministry of Foreign AffairsMaj. Gen. (res.) Ilan Biran, Chairman of the Board, RAFAEL – Advanced Defense Systems; Fmr. Director General of the Ministry of DefenseMr. David Brodet, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bank Leumi Le-IsraelModerator: Mr. Yoav Limor, Yisrael Hayom and Channel 2Keynote Address: MK Lt. Gen. (res.) Ehud Barak, Minister of DefenseEnvoi:Prof. Rafi Melnick, Provost, IDC HerzliyaMaj. Gen. (res.) Danny Rothschild, Director, Institute for Policy and Strategy; Chair, Annual Herzliya Conference*The program is preliminary and subject to change; as of January 26, 2012; speakers marked with asterisks are to be confirmed.9

14:00-15:30 HERZLIYA AUD. 14:00-15:30 CHAIS AUD. 14:00-15:30 ARAZI AUD.POST ASSAD: WHAT NEXT FORSYRIA AND LEBANON?Amb. Edward P. Djerejian, FoundingDirector, James A. Baker III Institute forPublic Policy, Rice UniversityMr. Tony Badran, Research Fellow,Foundation for Defense of Democracies(FDD)Prof. Eyal Zisser, Dean, Lester and Sally EntinFaculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv UniversityMs. Smadar Perry, Middle East Editor,Yedioth AhronothModerator: Mr. Zvi Yehezkeli, Channel 10<strong>ISRAEL</strong>I R&D AND <strong>THE</strong> GLOBALMARKETPLACE<strong>IN</strong> COOPERATION WITH <strong>THE</strong> NATIONAL COUNCILFOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT – <strong>THE</strong>M<strong>IN</strong>ISTRY <strong>OF</strong> SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYProf. Maj. Gen. (res.) Itzhak Ben-Israel,Tel-Aviv University; Chairman, IsraelNational Council for Research andDevelopment – Ministry of Science &TechnologyProf. Ruth Arnon, President, IsraelAcademy for Sciences and HumanitiesMr. Haim Shani, Fmr. Director-General,Ministry of Finance; Fmr. President &CEO Nice SystemsMr. Avi Hasson, Chief Scientist, Ministryof Industry, Trade, and LaborMr. Ophir Shoham, Director, Directoratefor Research and Development, Ministryof DefenseDr. Yosi Ben-Dov, CEO, Time To KnowMr. Shlomo Herskowic, Israel NationalCouncil for Research and Development –Ministry of Science & Technology----MK Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz, Minister ofScience and TechnologyGALILEE: SETT<strong>IN</strong>G PRIORITIES FORREGIONAL DEVELOPMENTBrig. Gen. (res.) Eival Gilady, Chairman,Western Galilee CollegeMr. Aharon Valency, Mayor of the UpperGalilee Regional CouncilMr. Adi Eldar, Mayor of KarmielMr. Nahed Khazem, Mayor of ShfaramMs. Orna Hozman-Bechor, Director General,Ministry of Development of the Negev andthe GalileeMr. Natie Shevel, MBE, Regional Director forIsrael, UJIA UK15:45-17:15 HERZLIYA AUD. 15:45-17:15 CHAIS AUD.<strong>THE</strong> FUTURE <strong>OF</strong> <strong>ISRAEL</strong>'S HIGHER EDUCATIONProf. Dan Shechtman, Philip Tobias Professor of MaterialsScience, Technion; 2011 Nobel Prize Laureate----------------Prof. Uriel Reichman, President, IDC HerzliyaProf. Rivka Carmi, President, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev;Chairperson, Committee of University Heads in Israel.Prof. Menahem Yaari, The center for the Study of Rationality, TheHebrew University of JerusalemProf. Mordechai Sokolov, President, Afeka – Tel Aviv AcademicCollege of EngineeringModerator: Dr. Ayelet Ben-Ezer, Vice President for StudentAffairs, IDC Herzliya<strong>THE</strong> STRATEGIC ROLES <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> US, EUROPE ANDNATO <strong>IN</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MIDDLE</strong> <strong>EAST</strong>MdB. Christian Schmidt, Parliamentary State Secretary to theFederal Minister of Defense of GermanyMr. Cem Özdemir, Co-Chair, German Green PartyMr. James Appathurai, NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary Generalfor Political Affairs and Security PolicyDr. Dov S. Zakheim, Senior Fellow CAN; Senior Advisor, Center forStrategic and International Studies; former Under Secretary ofDefense*Mr. Tommy Steiner, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policy andStrategy, IDC Herzliya*The program is preliminary and subject to change; as of January 26, 2012; speakers marked with asterisks are to be confirmed.8

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