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HERZLIYA ROUNDTABLE SESSIONSThe Herzliya Roundtable sessions are intended to facilitate in-depth conversations on topical issues involving a limited number ofsenior-most practitioners and experts. Held under the Chatham House Rule, participation in the Herzliya Roundtable sessions isonly open to EXECUTIVE and GOLD EXECUTIVE PARTICIPANTS or by personal and separate invitation.Monday, January 3009:00-12:00 HERZLIYA LOUNGE 09:00-13:00 ROUND TABLE C110SHORT-TERM SCENARIOS FOR THE MIDDLE EASTChair:Dr. Shmuel Bar, Director of Studies, Institute for Policy andStrategy, IDC HerzliyaDiscussants:Sir Mark Allen, CMG, Senior Advisor for British Petroleum (BP);Senior Associate Member, St. Antony's College, Oxford UniversityProf. Martin Kramer, Senior Fellow, Shalem CenterMr. Riad al Khouri, Member of the International Council,Questscope, Amman, JordanAmb. Edward P. Djerejian, Founding Director, James A. Baker IIIInstitute for Public Policy, Rice UniversityDr. David Gordon, Head of Research and Director, Global MacroEurasia Group; Fmr. Vice Chairman, US National IntelligenceCouncilTOWARD A NEW EUROPEAN STRATEGY FOR THEMIDDLE EASTChair:Mr. Ralf Fücks, President, Heinrich Böll FoundationDiscussants:Mr. Cem Özdemir, Co-Chair, German Green PartyAmb. Dr. Oded Eran, Institute for National Security StudiesSir Michael Leigh, KCMG, Consultant and Senior Advisor,Transatlantic Center Brussels, German Marshall Fund of the UnitedStatesDr. Constanze Stelzenmüller, Senior Transatlantic Fellow, GermanMarshall Fund of the USDr. Bruno Tertrais, Senior Research Fellow, Fondation pour larecherche stratégique (FRS)Mr. Tommy Steiner, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policyand Strategy, IDC Herzliya13:00-16:00 HERZLIYA LOUNGE 13:30-16:00 ROUND TABLE C110MIDDLE EAST 2020: SCENARIOS FOR THE COMINGDECADE AND BEYONDChair:Dr. Shmuel Bar, Director of Studies, Institute for Policy andStrategy, IDC HerzliyaDiscussants:Mr. William F. Wechsler, Deputy US Assistant Secretary of Defensefor Counternarcotics and Global ThreatsDr. Gal Luft, Executive Director, Institute for the Analyses of GlobalSecurity (IAGS)Dr. Vyacheslav Nikonov, President, The Unity of RussiaFoundation; Executive Director, The Rusky Mir FoundationDr. Dov S. Zakheim, Senior Fellow CAN; Senior Advisor, Center forStrategic and International Studies; former Under Secretary ofDefenseDr. Dan Schueftan, Director, National Security Studies Center,University of HaifaMr. R. James Woolsey, Chairman, Foundation for Defense ofDemocracies (FDD); Fmr. Director of the Central IntelligenceMr. Riad al Khouri, Member of the International Council,Questscope, Amman, JordanADVANCING ISRAEL'S DIPLOMATIC NORMALIZATIONIN THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITYChair:Amb. Zalman Shoval, Fmr. Ambassador of Israel to the USDiscussants:Amb. Ron Prosor, Permanent Representative of Israel to the UNAmb. Dan Gillerman, Chairman, Markstone Capital Group; Fmr.Permanent Representative of Israel to the UNMr. Dan Diker, Secretary General, World Jewish CongressMr. Richard D. Heideman, Chairman, International Advisory Boardof the Herzliya ConferenceDr. Jürgen Rüttgers, Fmr. Prime Minister of North Rhine-WestphaliaHon. Prof. Irwin Cotler, PC, OC, MP; Fmr. Minister of Justice andAttorney General of CanadaMs. Lorna Fitzsimons, CEO, Britain Israel Communications andResearch Centre (BICOM); Senior Visiting Fellow, UK DefenceAcademyAmb. Michael Žantovský, Ambassador of the Czech Republic tothe United Kingdom*The program is preliminary and subject to change; as of January 26, 2012; speakers marked with asterisks are to be confirmed.10

16:30-18:30 AQUARIUM LOUNGE 16:30-18:30 ROUND TABLE C110 16:30-18:30 ROUND TABLE C228IRAN: WILL SANCTIONS WORK? SHIFT TO THE EAST? CAN ASIAN THE LIBEL AND SLANDER ACT:Chair:Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, Director-General, Ministry of Strategic AffairsDiscussants:Dr. Josef Joffe, Publisher-Editor, Die Zeit;Senior Fellow, Freeman Spogli Institute forInternational Studies and Marc & AnitaAbramowitz Fellow, Hoover Institution,Stanford UniversityMr. Robert McNally, President, Rapidan GroupMr. Ash Jain, Visiting Fellow, WashingtonInstitute for Near East PolicyDr. Oded Brosh, Senior Research Fellow,Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC HerzliyaDr. Emanuele Ottolenghi, Senior Fellow,Foundation for Defense of DemocraciesDr. Jean-Loup Samaan, Faculty Adviser, NATODefense College (NDC)POWERS PLAY A ROLE IN THEMIDDLE EAST?Chairs:Mr. Doron Bergerbest-Eilon, President &CEO, ASERO WorldwideMr. Tommy Steiner, Senior ResearchFellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy,IDC HerzliyaDiscussants:Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Member ofParliament; Fmr. Deputy Minister ofForeign Affairs of IndiaAmb. Vanu Gopala Menon, DeputySecretary (Asia-Pacific), Ministry ofForeign Affairs, SingaporeProf. Chung Min Lee, Dean GraduateSchool of International Relations, YonseiUniversityProf. Yaacov Vertzberger, HebrewUniversity of JerusalemMs. Carice Witte, Executive Director,Sino-Israel Global Network & AcademicLeadership (SIGNAL)Dr. Yoram Evron, Research Fellow,Institute for National Security Studies;Department of Asian Studies, Universityof HaifaSHOULD THE PROFESSIONALINVESTIGATIVE MEDIA FEAR THENEW AMENDMENTS?Chair:Dr. Yuval Karniel, Ofer School ofCommunications, IDC HerzliyaDiscussants:Mr. Ben Dror Yemini, Senior Journalist,MaarivMs. Ayala Hasson, PoliticalCommentator, Channel 1Mr. Yossi Bar-Mocha, CEO, Tel AvivJournalists AssociationMr. Arik Bachar, Secretary General,Israeli Press CouncilMr. Ilan Bombach, Legal Advisor to theTel Aviv Journalists' Association; Member,Israeli Press CouncilDr. Tamar Gidron, Former Dean, Facultyof Law, College of ManagementDr. Aviad Hacohen, Dean, "Sha'areiMishpat" Law School; Faculty of Law,Hebrew University; The Van LeerInstitute, JerusalemMr. Moshe Negbi, Journalist and LegalAffairs Pundit, Channel 1MK Dr. Nachman Shai, Member ofKnesset, KadimaMr. Uri Shinar, CEO, AniBoom; Fmr.President & CEO of KeshetMr. Menashe Raz, Journalist; KinneretCollegeJudge (ret.) Edna Kaplan-Hagler, Fmr.Deputy President of the Tel Aviv- JaffaDistrict CourtMK Nino Abesadze, Member of Knesset,KadimaDr. Noam Lemelshtrich-Latar, Dean,Sammy Ofer School of Communications,IDC Herzliya; Chairman, IsraelCommunication Association*The program is preliminary and subject to change; as of January 26, 2012; speakers marked with asterisks are to be confirmed.11

HERZLIYA ROUNDTABLE SESSIONSThe Herzliya Roundtable sessions are intended to facilitate in-depth conversations on topical issues involving a limited number ofsenior-most practitioners and experts. Held under the Chatham House Rule, participation in the Herzliya Roundtable sessions isonly open to EXECUTIVE and GOLD EXECUTIVE PARTICIPANTS or by personal and separate invitation.Monday, January 3009:00-12:00 HERZLIYA LOUNGE 09:00-13:00 ROUND TABLE C110SHORT-TERM SCENARIOS FOR <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MIDDLE</strong> <strong>EAST</strong>Chair:Dr. Shmuel Bar, Director of Studies, Institute for Policy andStrategy, IDC HerzliyaDiscussants:Sir Mark Allen, CMG, Senior Advisor for British Petroleum (BP);Senior Associate Member, St. Antony's College, Oxford UniversityProf. Martin Kramer, Senior Fellow, Shalem CenterMr. Riad al Khouri, Member of the International Council,Questscope, Amman, JordanAmb. Edward P. Djerejian, Founding Director, James A. Baker IIIInstitute for Public Policy, Rice UniversityDr. David Gordon, Head of Research and Director, Global MacroEurasia Group; Fmr. Vice Chairman, US National IntelligenceCouncilTOWARD A NEW EUROPEAN STRATEGY FOR <strong>THE</strong><strong>MIDDLE</strong> <strong>EAST</strong>Chair:Mr. Ralf Fücks, President, Heinrich Böll FoundationDiscussants:Mr. Cem Özdemir, Co-Chair, German Green PartyAmb. Dr. Oded Eran, Institute for National Security StudiesSir Michael Leigh, KCMG, Consultant and Senior Advisor,Transatlantic Center Brussels, German Marshall Fund of the UnitedStatesDr. Constanze Stelzenmüller, Senior Transatlantic Fellow, GermanMarshall Fund of the USDr. Bruno Tertrais, Senior Research Fellow, Fondation pour larecherche stratégique (FRS)Mr. Tommy Steiner, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policyand Strategy, IDC Herzliya13:00-16:00 HERZLIYA LOUNGE 13:30-16:00 ROUND TABLE C110<strong>MIDDLE</strong> <strong>EAST</strong> 2020: SCENARIOS FOR <strong>THE</strong> COM<strong>IN</strong>GDECADE AND BEYONDChair:Dr. Shmuel Bar, Director of Studies, Institute for Policy andStrategy, IDC HerzliyaDiscussants:Mr. William F. Wechsler, Deputy US Assistant Secretary of Defensefor Counternarcotics and Global ThreatsDr. Gal Luft, Executive Director, Institute for the Analyses of GlobalSecurity (IAGS)Dr. Vyacheslav Nikonov, President, The Unity of RussiaFoundation; Executive Director, The Rusky Mir FoundationDr. Dov S. Zakheim, Senior Fellow CAN; Senior Advisor, Center forStrategic and International Studies; former Under Secretary ofDefenseDr. Dan Schueftan, Director, National Security Studies Center,University of HaifaMr. R. James Woolsey, Chairman, Foundation for Defense ofDemocracies (FDD); Fmr. Director of the Central IntelligenceMr. Riad al Khouri, Member of the International Council,Questscope, Amman, JordanADVANC<strong>IN</strong>G <strong>ISRAEL</strong>'S DIPLOMATIC NORMALIZATION<strong>IN</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>IN</strong>TERNATIONAL COMMUNITYChair:Amb. Zalman Shoval, Fmr. Ambassador of Israel to the USDiscussants:Amb. Ron Prosor, Permanent Representative of Israel to the UNAmb. Dan Gillerman, Chairman, Markstone Capital Group; Fmr.Permanent Representative of Israel to the UNMr. Dan Diker, Secretary General, World Jewish CongressMr. Richard D. Heideman, Chairman, International Advisory Boardof the Herzliya ConferenceDr. Jürgen Rüttgers, Fmr. Prime Minister of North Rhine-WestphaliaHon. Prof. Irwin Cotler, PC, OC, MP; Fmr. Minister of Justice andAttorney General of CanadaMs. Lorna Fitzsimons, CEO, Britain Israel Communications andResearch Centre (BICOM); Senior Visiting Fellow, UK DefenceAcademyAmb. Michael Žantovský, Ambassador of the Czech Republic tothe United Kingdom*The program is preliminary and subject to change; as of January 26, 2012; speakers marked with asterisks are to be confirmed.10

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